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We're dancing on tables
And I'm off my face
With all of my people
And it couldn't get better they say
We're singing 'til last call
And it's all out of tune
Should be laughing, but there's something wrong
And it hits me when the lights go on
Shit, maybe I miss you


Louis looked at Harry, who since Zayn came back, has been back to spending 90% of his time with Landon

His heart felt too heavy for his chest as he turned his back towards Harry and took multiple deep breaths

Isaac threw an arm over Louis' shoulder and Louis smiled and looked at him


Louis stayed quiet then frowned "Did I choose a good song?"

"Please! If Adele hears you singing her song, she'll be letting go of her career and just giving you everything"

Louis chuckled as they walked together



Liam and Louis laughed with their heads dropped back

Isaac was trying to be Eminem and they can't help the laughter that escapes them


Louis scrunched his nose "That's not how it works"

Isaac rolled his eyes "It's how it works now."

Liam chuckled shaking his head

"Lahey, introduce me correctly"

"I did!!"

"I'm not playing Adele!! I'm performing Adele's song. Not the woman herself"


"Boo yourself"

"LIAM" Both turned to Liam who was wide eyed and looked between them

Liam opened and closed his mouth then smiled "Lou. Isaac is trying"


"Isaac, you know it's a performance not a play. So don't say playing Adele"



Harry looked at him, his blue eyes sparkling, his hair growing slightly longer and his crinkly eyed smile making the world seem brighter

Harry couldn't help but look, he looked at Landon before he stood up and walked towards his friends

They all cheered when they saw him, Liam gave him a small smile, Stiles scolding him for being gone for too long, Derek giving him a corner lipped smile, Dunbar and Theo giving him quick waves, Zayn nodded and Louis smiled and pulled Harry into a hug

Harry smiled, they all included him into the conversations, keeping him updated on everything

But all Harry could focus on??

Louis' smile, laughter and bright personality


Louis expects Harry to leave again, of course he does.

Harry never stayed long enough for Louis to feel like they're friends again

Harry stayed for the while Zayn was gone, then left again.

He stayed when he and Landon got into arguments but left after.

Louis would hug him tighter after each see you later because he doesn't know when later is.

He doesn't know when Harry will leave to go back to Landon side

It's sad but terrifying because Harry doesn't know how much Louis misses him in weeks, maybe even month they don't talk because Harry is loyal, even to those who aren't loyal to him

He'd run out of rehearsals, meals and friendship meetings because Landon called

No matter how much Louis could dream about begging Harry to stay

Harry won't.

Harry isn't his. Harry never was, and never will be.


Louis let loose, because him and Harry were supposed to go to dinner, he left Louis waiting for about 30 minutes before his first reply

I'll be there soon

But his official real answer came about 1 hour and 30 minutes after when they were supposed to meet

Sorry. Can't make it.

Louis hated reading that message and frown, he hated it.

He hated the pain he felt.

He called his friends and they went into a pub.

And he got shit faced

He stood on the bar and sang his heart out, his vision got so blurry he could barely see

He didn't even realise he was thrown on the stage and started singing while the crowds cheered him on


Was what he thinks they yelled, what was he could hear after the pain dulled into an ache, was what he could hear when he bowed and got off to join his friends

Hands touched him, girls giggled around him, the young boys with probably fake IDs asked him if he was a singer

He shook his head and shrugged them all off

He threw back glass after glass, when he was about to go for more

He was pulled back, his arm was thrown over someone's shoulder and he was met by fresh air after a bit

"What happened Lou?"

Louis laughed and buried his face into the person's shoulder before they both collapsed on the floor

"People hurt others all the time, strangers."

"I'm not a stranger Lou" He said letting Louis rest his head on his lap

"I want you to be a stranger."


Louis felt his eyes string "Because then I won't have to talk about what I'm feeling right now tomorrow"


Isaac kept a hold on Louis as he walked towards the apartment

Liam yanked the door open and frowned seeing Louis passed out with a bruise on his temple

"What happened?"

"Drunk. I managed to get him out, hopefully no alcohol poisoning"

Liam cringed and put his hands on Louis' head

"What happened Isaac?"

Isaac stayed quiet as they both looked at a sleeping Louis

"He no longer wants a heart like the one he has.... He wants one that can shut down on command"

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