☂︎Extra Chapter 3.2.3 ☔︎

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Trigger warning: body shaming, kidnapping, slur-shaming, non-consent nude photos forcefully taken, abuse, talk about drugs
Please read with caution




Na mom jastuku, bez mira, sanjam zle
Ni do zadnjeg leta, ni do kraja sveta
Sudbina je moja kleta
Ova duša nema dom, ova duša nema ton


Trisha brushed her hair quietly while Estrella sat on the floor in front of her

"I asked your baba if I can give you something, he said I can" Trisha said quietly

Estrella frowned but didn't look back, she knows not to move when her granddaughter is doing her hair

Trisha finished her hair before Estrella felt something fall on her chest

She looked down and scrunched her nose "What is it, Mama?"

Trisha chuckled and helped Estrella stand, Estrella turned towards her and Trisha kissed her cheek

"You'll be going to school soon, and it will protect you from the evil eye"

Estrella felt a pat on her shoulder and she turned towards Trisha

Trisha put a hand on her chin and kissed her head, Estrella smiled before she stood up

Trisha wiped her hand on her pants before she stood up

"There, my beautiful girl" She said and cupped Estrella's cheeks

Estrella smiled and kissed her head "Thank you, Ma"



"Yeah, baba"

She blinked multiple times then gasped "Baba!!"

Zayn laughed, but it sounded tired, she stretched her hands up and he walked towards her and carefully picked her up

He kissed her temple then her cheek as she scrunched herself up on his chest

"Hey, I want you to meet someone" Estrella looked up at Zayn and nodded, he pointed at someone and she turned towards the woman standing at the door

"That…. Is Claire" He whispered "She is a sweet crazy lady-" Claire and Estrella both laughed, but Claire's sounded tearful

"But she is a sweet crazy lady who helped me make sure you stay with me"

Estrella stretched then looked at Connor "Ready?"

He looked at her and nodded "Yeah"


"I hope you know, I'll never approve of anyone you date"

Estrella laughed "You gave your approval to Darcy"

Connor snorted "I gave my approval because you were nervous as fuck when you came out as Bi, you literally came out with 'I'm Bi, and I like Darcy'"

Estrella quickly looked at Connor "You didn't like me dating Darcy?! You love Darcy!!"

Connor frowned "Yeah, well, I love my sister more."

Estrella gave him a soft smile "Yeah…. I know, that's why you almost stopped talking to Darcy after the whole debacle 2 years ago"

Connor shook his head "You call it debacle, baba was hysterical, Dad- DAD!! couldn't even calm him down. He dented a pole outside the stadium from how hard he held it. Dad had to keep everyone else calm that I don't think he got enough time in his head to THINK about how he felt"

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