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Got a feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I quit calling you my lover
Move on


"I'm fine."

Liam hummed assembling a gun "Sure"

"I am!!"

"Uh-huh" Isaac said holding Clifford

Liam gave Louis an unassembled gun

"What is going on in your heads?"

"Nothing" They both said at the same time


Derek and Zayn blinked before they collectively slapped their foreheads

"Say something"

Zayn stood up, and walked towards the kitchen, he came back a few minutes later with a cup filled with only ice

Zayn placed the cup down and sat down beside Derek


Zayn blinked and sighed. Derek looked at Zayn who nodded, Derek looked at his watch then looked at Harry

"A few years ago, you made Zayn and sign this.... Paper that said If you ever do anything stupid and we don't know what to say, we just bring a cup filled with ice and place it in front of you and not say anything until it melts"

Harry's eyes widened "WHEN?!"

"You were drunk" Zayn said then turned to Derek "How long was that?"

"4 minutes"

They both nodded and Harry blinked

"So.... I basically gave you both a punishment for me, nice...."


Isaac handed Clifford to Louis and Louis hugged him and laid down on the couch

"Talk to us Louis"

Louis sighed "He's.... Everytime I think him and I are going somewhere, I realise I was wrong. After everything Landon did Harry still allows him close by.... Into our home as well"

"Maybe you should ask and-"

"No thank you" Louis said cutting Liam off, holding onto Clifford tighter yet still careful

"If you'd just let me-"

"No. I'm good. I listen too fucking much and it's exhausting"

Isaac frowned "Where is this coming from?"

Louis shrugged "I've listened to you both a lot. I keep forgiving and listening but nothing good comes out of it"

Isaac looked at Liam who shrugged, Isaac sat down beside Louis "Wanna stay with me for a while?"

Louis shook his head "No"


Harry paced, looking at the ice that seems to be melting in a slower pace than ever

Zayn and Derek quietly watched the movie playing on the TV
Harry sighed, and took the cup into the kitchen

He turned the tap to hottest and allowed the steaming hot water to fill the cup

The ice melted quicker and Harry walked back towards the other 2 with the cup with water in it and they both looked at him

"Now please.... PLEASE. talk to me"

"How do you want Louis to like you, to have feelings for you, to be able to trust you when everytime he gets close to you, he sees you wrapped around your ex"

"Louis will understand" Harry said and Derek sighed

"A person only has so much love to give before they just give up, H"


Louis put Clifford down and walked upto his room

Halfway up the stairs, he stopped when Harry stopped in front of him


Louis blinked "Hi"

Harry cleared his throat "Can we talk?"

Louis nodded "Yeah, sure"

"I know you saw Landon here last night"

"Never said you didn't know" Louis sighed "I don't care who you do whatever you want with Harry, as long as you keep it in your bedroom"

"Louis, wait-"

"I really just want to go to bed Harry." Louis said stepping to the side and walking up to his room

Harry sighed and continued to walk down the stairs

He sat on the floor and Clifford ran over to him, Clifford buried his face into Harry's stomach and Harry smiled

"I never thought I'd be the type to talk to a dog.... But I'm glad you were there for him"


Louis was laying on his stomach while looking out the window

His phone rang and he sighed and answered

"Hello?" Louis mumbled


Louis walked through the metal detectors before he got patted down

He walked down the corridor and showed the guard standing beside a door his visitors badge

The door opened and he walked in, Luke (his brother) sat there and smiled seeing Louis

Louis blinked before he just quietly walked and sat down

"Hey Bro...."

Louis just shook his head "What do you want?"

Luke cringed and looked down "I uhh.... I found out I'll be let out early"

Louis froze for a second then relaxed and shook his head "What do you want me to do?"

Luke sighed "It's just.... I wanted you to forgive me, everyone did and our sisters tell me how you all meet up every while and I wish-"

Louis gripped him by his collar and pulled him closer

"You're sorry? You. Are. SORRY?! Sorry won't fix anything. I want you nowhere near me, I don't want to see you ever again, Am I clear?"

Luke's eyes widened "Louis-"

"I asked a question, Am. I. Clear?"

Luke frantically nodded before he was shoved off then Louis stood up

"You could die tomorrow and I wouldn't care" Louis said before he walked out


Harry jumped up when Louis walked in


"I'm going to bed Harry, goodnight" Louis said walking towards the stairs

Harry frowned "Wait Lou"

Louis stopped, sighed and turned to Harry and nodded

Harry walked towards Louis and cupped his cheeks, he kissed Louis' forehead and Louis closed his eyes

"Stop.... Playing with my heart, this isn't fair...." He whispered

"I don't want to play with it Lou. I want to save it"

Louis stayed quiet and shook his head then stepped back "You can't save it when you're the one who's constantly breaking it" Louis said then turned and jogged up the stairs

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