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Didn't they tell us don't rush into things?
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?
Didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire cat smile?


"How is he?"

"Stubborn" Liam mumbled his foot bouncing

They were all seated in Liam and Zayn's house while Zayn quietly slept upstairs

And.... It felt weird

Usually when they're all together, there's laughter, there's jokes, there's knife throwing.

But now it's quiet

So quiet it was sickening

"Is there anything we can do?" Harry asked

But there was nothing they can do, Brian pushed a limit, he crossed a line and it started with Zayn

Louis looked at Harry for a second then looked away

He can't.... And doesn't want to imagine how much pain Liam is in


"You alright?" Harry asked taking some spinach out of the fridge

Louis sighed and rested his head on the counter "I've been better.... You?"

Harry shrugged "I know Zayn will be fine...." He frowned holding a banana "H-He's been through worse, so much worse and he came out the other side stronger"

Louis sighed "I hope so...."

Harry dropped the banana into the blender "I feel like there's something else in your head"

Louis smiled weakly then laughed quietly "Our job-As much as its fun.... It's risky, how would your future partner feel if something happened to you?"

Harry held a handful of frozen strawberries and looked at Louis for a while then dropped them into the blender

"I think he'd understand"

Louis shook his head "I can't put mine through this...."

Harry froze "What.... Do you mean?"

Louis sighed "I mean, once I find someone who is full in.... I'll be leaving and my full focus will be on my music career"

Harry's shoulders fell "But.... You're part of the team"

Louis laughed and shook his head "There's others H, I'm sure everyone will manage"

I won't Lou.... I won't...


They were walking together when Harry suddenly stopped

He slowly walked towards an injured puppy, he rubbed its head and frowned


"I see H"

Harry looked at Louis who's on his phone and frowned "Is there a vet nearby?"

"I'm searching for one"

Harry smiled and carefully picked up the puppy

"He doesn't have a collar...."

Louis looked at the puppy then at Harry then at his phone again "It's small H.... And badly injured, and in a box" Louis sighed "It was most likely left here on purpose"


They spent hours at the vet, and a months worth of their salary (which is, by all means, A LOT) on the treatment for the dog

One of his legs was broken, he almost wasn't breathing, he was badly malnourished, and an eye injury

When the puppy was brought out back, Harry took him from the nurse

So carefully that Louis couldn't pull his eyes away

"Can we keep him?" Harry whispered looking at Louis with his eyes wide

Louis stayed quiet then smiled weakly and nodded

"Of course we can"


Clifford, they named him Clifford

They told their friends about Clifford and safe to say, he's welcome into the family

They told their friends about Clifford and safe to say, he's welcome into the family

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He looked at Harry who was already looking at him


Harry smiled and shrugged "You're pretty"

Louis furrowed his brows "What??"

Harry looked at Clifford who was now asleep "You're pretty...."

Louis smiled "You think so?"

Harry nodded "I don't think I've ever seen anyone as pretty as you and that's just not fair" Harry looked at Louis and glared "You took all the pretty the world has to offer for yourself, now that's just not fair"

Louis laughed and Harry's glare turned into a small smile

Clifford jostled awake and looked around.

Louis shook his head and sat across from Harry and then laid on the floor and looked at Clifford

"Sorry little guy.... Promise I'll be more careful when you're asleep"

Harry looked at Louis and then quickly shook his head

Calm down in there, or he'll hear you


It took him a while, but Clifford became comfortable in his new home

How instead of sleeping in his doggy bed, he sleeps with Louis and Harry, his favourite toy are Louis' vans or a spatula that he chewed up so bad Harry just refused to use it

Whenever they're watching a movie, Clifford is on Louis' lap with his attention on the TV

If he sees another dog on the TV he'd get angry but if the dog barks he'd find a way to hide inside Louis' shirt

He almost got into a bar of chocolate but Louis caught him just in time

But because he's their first and only child, he only got out of it with a firm no and tap lap on the nose

In Harry's defence, he didn't do it again after that one time

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