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Taking it all for us, all
Doing it all for love


Liam looked at Zayn holding Estrella, she was finally not connected to anything and she was looked up at him with an expression that Liam for the life of him couldn't make out what

Zayn suddenly looked up from her and at Liam

"What will they call me?"

Liam stopped and smiled "What do you want them to call you?"

"I dunno…."

Liam laughed quietly "You seem panicked at the thought of not knowing what they'll call you"

"Well they can't call me dad, That's you. I don't want them and I to be like me and Brian so I wouldn't want them to call me by my name"

Liam looked at Estrella then at Zayn "Tony…. Said something a while ago"

Zayn looked at Liam, he didn't say anything so Liam gulped then continued


Zayn stayed quiet then just shook his head "We'll deal with it when time comes to it"


Liam was working on some last minute studying when Zayn walked in and looked at Liam

He walked towards Liam and kissed him, Liam smiled and kissed Zayn back

"He can come home next week"

Liam smiled and perked up "Really?"

Zayn nodded, Liam pushed his laptop to the side, got up and hugged Zayn

Zayn hugged Liam back and picked him up

Liam looked at his laptop then at Zayn and cupped his cheeks

"I have one more final…. Let's just go"

Zayn looked into both of Liam's eyes "Next week…. We'll go"

Liam smiled as Zayn put him down

"One week Zayn" Liam whispered rubbing Zayn's cheekbone

"One week then it's just us"


Liam and Zayn quietly started to pack, they didn't tell anyone

They just started, they packed things for the twins, they packed clothes for themselves

Liam saw Zayn debate on a few knives so he took them and packed them

Zayn looked at Liam who smiled and shrugged "You never know how many trees need to be planted in this world"

Zayn chuckled and nodded, Liam looked at Zayn's hand

Catching the slight spasm then he cleared his throat

"Maybe we can talk to doctor David about something to help with the spams"

Zayn sighed "Already did. Hard drugs that will most likely turn me into a zombie" Zayn turned to Liam "I don't want to be a zombie"

Liam smiled "Did doctor David use the word zombie or did you?"

Zayn smiled back "He did"

Liam looked around the boxed empty room then perked up "Can we dance?"

Zayn looked at Liam "I don't like dancing"

Liam took Zayn's hand "C'mon!! You talk about marrying me, you'll be horribly wrong if you think we won't dance at our wedding."

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