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I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you


Zayn was at a park with Estrella, she was giggling, walking ahead of him slightly

She suddenly started to run after a bird and Zayn was quickly to go after her

He picked her up and she laughed out loud, he laughed along with her and she held onto him tightly

"Baba?" Zayn hummed and she touched his eyebrow "Can I feed the ducks?"

Zayn nodded, it's a park they regularly come to, and they know it's allowed to feed the ducks

Zayn put her down and she quickly walked towards the small pond, pulling out a bag and giving it to her

He stood a bit behind her, keeping an eye on her while also keeping an eye on their surroundings

Zayn smiled looking at her, getting excited over the smallest things

He was so focused on her he didn't see the man walking towards him

The man bumped into him and then quickly apologised before he walked away

Zayn looked at him then turned to Estrella again, she was now jumping up and down while laughing

"Baba, C'mon. We need to go back home"

Estrella pouted "Baba...." She held up 2 fingers "2 minutes!!"

Zayn sighed and nodded, he started to walk towards her but stopped when he felt something vibrate in his pockets

He stopped and stepped a few steps back before he pulled out a phone

A Nokia

He blinked at the contact name


He blinked, looking at Estrella then at the phone and answered

"Hello Zayn"

Zayn blinked "Brian"

"It's surprising to see you happy."

Zayn balled his fist "What do you want?"

"An exchange...."

Zayn rubbed his jaw walking towards Estrella "What?"

"A couple millions.... And I'll get you Liam and the boy"

Zayn blinked "I don't want your help for shit, and for all you know. I'll kill the second you're close enough for a bullet to go right into your head"

"Do you not want them?"

"Oh no. I do." Zayn rubbed Estrella's cheek "But I don't want your help.... And their lives are worth more than millions"

Zayn then hung up and picked Estrella up, she laughed and he smiled walking towards the car

Quickly sending a text to everyone to meet at the warehouse


They were all talking strategies

Zayn was seated at the head of the table, and Harry looked at him

Harry told everyone that Louis wasn't feeling well, Louis did have to be here. Yet Harry believes that Zayn knows the truth but didn't say anything

Zayn suddenly cleared his throat and stood up and everyone immediately went quiet

"Niall. Update me"

Niall shrugged keeping his eyes on the laptop

"Dumbarse didn't think about using a burner. Brian doesn't get loads of calls and texts but he sure did get invited to Mc'Ives home dinner tomorrow night"

Zayn nodded and Niall turned to him "Would you like to get in?"

Zayn stayed quiet then looked at Yaser "No promises that I won't kill him as soon as I see him"

Yaser shook his head "No guns and knives for you then"

"It's funny how you think those are the only weapons I'll use against him"

Harry leaned ahead "How will we get invites?"

Zayn looked at Derek then at Harry "You and Derek will...." Zayn waved a hand then dropped it "figure that out"

Derek raised an eyebrow "What's the limit?"

Zayn snorted "He associates himself with Brian." Zayn clenched his jaw "Threaten to cut his fingers off if it's necessary"


"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M-" Mc'Ives yelled as tears spilled down his cheeks "BUT I CAN'T. BRIAN WILL KILL ME"

Harry twirled a knife around his finger "Would you rather Brian kill you or we do it 10 times worse?"

Mc'Ives shook his head "I-I-" He sighed shakily "I-I'll go get the invitations"

Derek smiled "Now was that so hard?" His smile fell "And preferably don't tell Brian. He doesn't need to know"


Louis looked at Harry who walked inside and smiled

"How did he react?"

Harry smiled looking at Darcy asleep on Louis' lap "He was fine, he believed my lie that you aren't feeling well"

Louis snorted "Yeah, 'believed'"

Harry smiled then sat down beside Louis "We do have to go to a the dinner at Mc'Ives' in a few nights" Louis nodded "Lou.... Can I ask you a question?"

Louis slowly nodded "Yeah, of course"

Harry looked at Darcy then at Louis "What happened that night.... That made him turn to you and tell you he wants you as his right hand?"

Louis stayed quiet and shrugged "I've been questioning it myself H, I asked him once and he said that I deserve it"

Harry smiled and rubbed Darcy's cheek "You do...."


Zayn sitting outside when Estrella came and sat down beside him

He turned to her and smiled weakly "I have work tomorrow...."

Her shoulders fell and she frowned "But-" She looked down at her hands "Why?"

Zayn picked her up and sat her down on his lap, she frowned and held onto him

"I have to catch a really- REALLY bad man."

Estrella slowly nodded then rested her head on his shoulder

"Baba will be back for Friday?"

Zayn smiled "Yeah, I'll be back before Friday, and we'll go get nuggets, how about that?"

She smiled and perked up, hugging Zayn tightly, he kissed her head and held onto her tightly

"Baba you are squishing me!!" She said laughing loudly

"Am I?" He said releasing her slightly then hugging her tightly again

She laughed again before she managed to wiggle free of Zayn's grasp and run

Zayn leaned back and looked up at the sun, letting out a sigh before he looked at Estrella and ran after her

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