The beginning

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Chapter 1

*Mikasa POV*

It was another day. Eren and I had to go fetch wood. I had gotten a couple logs but Eren had fallen asleep again. But then again, he does love sleeping but he'll grow out of it, he's 13 after all. By now I should be getting angry but no matter what, I just can't.

I was sitting by Eren's side. I had fetched enough logs for me and Eren. Eren woke up and slowly sat up," How was your dream?" I asked. He replied," It was a weird dream." I got up and said," We need to go, your mom will get mad if we come back too late." He sat up slowly and I went to go fetch the wood.

We started off going back. Suddenly we heard a bell and Eren exclaimed," The Scouts!!! They're back!!!! Hurry Mikasa, we have to get there quickly so we can get a good view!!!!"

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to where the scouts were. We stood on top of a box so we had quite a good view. I kept looking at the scouts then Eren. He had the biggest smile while looking at them.

"Hey Eren, do you still want to become a scout?" He nodded and said," Yeah, that would be amazing. To be outside the walls and explore." I told him," You do know that you'll have to fight titans right?" He nodded and said," Yeah, but I plan to work hard and become an amazing scout."

I asked him," Wouldn't you rather be in the Military or the Garrison? Don't you think it would be safer?" He put his hand on my shoulder and said," Don't worry Mikasa. I'll be very careful and I'll train very hard."

I smiled, put my hand on his and said," Of course you will, and do you know why," He looked confused and shrugged his head," because I will be there to watch you. "

As soon as all the scouts left, Armin ran up to us and said," Hey guys. Eren, your mom is starting to get mad because you guys are taking long."

I said," We should hurry Eren." I took his hand and started running. Eren said," Mikasa, calm down! Mom won't be that mad." I ignored him and continued running.

By the time we got home,  Eren was out of breath and breathing so hard. Carla (Eren's Mom) was asking us why were so late. I replied," We're sorry. Eren fell asleep and then wanted to watch the scouts. I didn't mean for us to come late."

Eren apologized and said," I didn't mean to make us so late." Carla asked me," Mikasa darling, let me wash your scarf. " I looked hesitantly and was reluctant to give it. I mean it was my favorite thing that I had. 

Carla must've seen my face and said," I just want to wash it, Mikasa. I'll give it back as soon as I'm done." I nodded and took it off. Armin said," Mikasa!" I turned around quickly. He said," I've never seen you without your scarf before."

Eren said," I've seen her a couple times without the scarf. Which reminds me, why do you wear the scarf all the time?" I looked at him suddenly. I blushed then looked away. Carla stood behind me and held my shoulders and said," She likes the scarf, right Mikasa."

I nodded my head. And that was that. It seemed like the question never came up again.

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