Choosing Legions

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Chapter 5

~Eren POV~

It was two months after the incident of my titan form. Everyone had calmed down a little but we were still horrified from what happened. Watching our friends die is not something you want to see.

We were called to the courtyard. There was someone standing in front of us," Cadets! You guys have been through hell but it's time to choose your legion! You can either be with the Garrison who protects the wall, or the MP's 'Military Police' who guard the inside of the walls and finally the scouts who go on expeditions outside the walls!"

" You will be separated into 3 groups! MP's on the right, Garrison on the left and Scouts in the middle! Just be aware everyone that wants to be scouts, the journeys are very dangerous and most of them die! Now you guys may choose!"

" No matter what they say, I'm going to join the scouts." I said as Mikasa grabbed my hand. She then said," I'll be right behind you, no matter what." Armin then added," Same, you can always rely on us."

I nodded and we stayed in the middle. Jean, Reiner, Bertolt, Mikasa, Armin, Connie and Sasha stayed. Marco and Annie went to the MP's. I was sent to Captain Levi's squad along with Mikasa, Armin and Reiner.

Captain Levi said," Hello everyone. I'm Levi but you will refer to me as Captain Levi. Oh and I forgot to add that Braus, Spinger,  Kirstein and Bertolt were sent to Second Commander Hange's squad." 

Captain Levi continued," Anyway, we have our first mission tomorrow. We are going on your first expedition. You guys should rest up for the rest of the day so you're ready tomorrow." We nodded. I didn't feel like going back yet so I went to a hill to watch the sunset. 

Mikasa came with me to watch it. For some reason, watching the sunset with Mikasa calmed me down more than anything else. Suddenly I felt a weight come down on my shoulder. When I looked it was Mikasa, which made sense. She looked like her eyes were slowly closing. 

I put my arm around her and she put her hand on mine. I then saw her fall asleep. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. I slowly picked her up when the sunset was finished. It was bridal style. When I came to her room, I saw Jean there. 

He got up quickly and asked," Mikasa! What happened to her?!" I replied," Quiet! She's just sleeping! She fell asleep while we were watching the sunset!" I whisper-shouted at him. He softly said," Okay." I put her in her bed and closed her. I then told Jean to leave. I left soon after him cause I needed sleep.

When I woke up, it was still early. I heard sounds outside so I went outside. When I got there, I saw Mikasa doing push ups and exercises," Mikasa, what are you doing?" It was still dark. She stopped and came to me. She said," I had a nightmare and didn't want to wake someone up, doing push ups used to help me forget about it." 

I walked up to her, put my hand on hers and said," Don't worry. If you have a nightmare or anything, just call me or wake me up. It's fine." She nodded and I added," Do you want to talk about the nightmare?" She nodded and we went to go sit down.

She was talking about her nightmare saying that she dreamed about me and her living together, suddenly a titan came and ate me. I told her that she has nothing to worry about.

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