Are You Sure???

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Chapter 2

*Mikasa POV*

Carla had given me and Eren the day off so we were planning to spend it with Armin, though we didn't know what we were going to do," Hey Mikasa! You ready to meet up with Armin!?" 

Eren shouted from the kitchen. I came down and saw Carla hit Eren on the head saying," There's no reason to shout. Mikasa was just inside." He apologized and looked at me while asking," You ready?" I nodded my head, grabbed my scarf and headed off to the door. Before we left, I heard Carla saying," You kids be careful!"

We headed to our secret hideout where we were suppose to meet Armin. But when we arrived, we didn't see Armin. Suddenly Armin jumped out of nowhere, grabbing onto Eren's shoulders, and shouted," Got you! Should've seen the look on your face, Eren!" He pushed Armin off and exclaimed," What about Mikasa!? She could've got a fright!"

Armin walked over to me, put a hand on my shoulder, and said," You really expect Mikasa to get a fright at that little thing?" Armin started laughing and Eren turned red.


"What was that?!" Eren asked. Armin said that it was a huge crash that came from above us.

~Eren POV~

" I know that," I said," We need to go check it out!" I left quickly with Mikasa right behind me and Armin following us. When we got out of our base, we saw a titan. A HUGE TITAN. He was so huge that we could see his head over the walls," A TITAN!" I screamed.

The titan broke the wall and was throwing pieces of it. I didn't know what to say. As everyone started running away, I noticed that the wall had been totally broken. Titans were swarming inside. Mikasa started," Eren, you're -" I didn't let her finish talking because I had run off immediately. 

"I have to save her or at least check if she is okay! You guys coming!?" I shouted as I ran.

I looked back and saw Mikasa right behind me and Armin following. We made it back to our house and I saw that there was a debris on our house. I saw Mom stuck under it and ran faster. As soon as we reached there, I shouted," Mikasa, Armin, help me to free Mom!" They nodded and started to help.

That's when we saw Hannes passing by. Armin pleaded," Hannes, help us!" Hannes replied," You guys try to get that debris of your mom and I'll keep the titans away!" 

As he ran forward, I screamed," Pull harder guys!! " That's when Mom said," No, go guys! Get out of here!"

I shouted," No! We're not leaving without you!" Mom then shouted louder than me and said, "Eren Jaeger, Listen to your mother for once in your life! Get out of here, all of you!" Mikasa said, " We can't just leave you here!" Armin then said, "Yeah! She's right!"

I then heard Mikasa shout," You've done so much for me! I want to repay you for everything! Taking me in and treating me as your own!"

Mom finally said," That's sweet of you kids to say but you have to get out of here!" That's when Hannes came and said," You kids really have to get out of here! I held them off for as long as could!" 

Mom said," Hannes, take the children! Get them away from here!" I screamed that I'm not going. That's when Hannes picked me up, held Armin's hand and asked," Think you can keep up, Mikasa?"

She nodded her head and Hannes started running. That's when I saw a titan pick my mom up. She was kicking and screaming but it didn't work. The titan ate her... 

It first bit her in half, then devoured the rest of her so fast," HANNES! MY MOM... SHE!" I tried to speak but it didn't work. I heard Mikasa's soft voice say that it was all going to be okay. I wanted to believe her, I really wanted to. But I couldn't.

That scene was burned into my memory and would be one that I wouldn't forget," I WILL KILL THEM ALL! NONE OF YOU WILL BE ALIVE WHEN I'M DONE!" I screamed at the top of my voice. I am going to make them pay. I am going to become a scout and kill them all.

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