Broken Heart

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Chapter 15

*Mikasa POV*

We had gone back to our quarters as it was late. Eren and I had changed and gotten into bed. I was about to fall asleep when I felt something warm hold me around the waist. I gasped and asked," Eren?" 

He tightened his grip and said," Please. Please never leave me no matter what." I wanted to turn around but before I did, I heard sniffles.

Is Eren crying?"

I turned around and saw Eren crying. It was so sad. It broke my heart to see Eren cry. I wiped his tears away and said," Don't worry. I will never leave your side no matter what." 

He seemed to ease but his grip didn't cease. He didn't let go and held tighter," Is something wrong Eren? Why are you holding me like this?" 

He opened his eyes and said," I...had that vision again. The one  where you are in my arms with blood dripping." Saying that made him more sad. I put my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. I turned my head so I could hear his heartbeat. It was beating so fast! 

" That vision is fake. I will never leave you. I'll be with you no matter what. I love you Eren." When I said that last sentence, Eren tensed up. I decided to ignore it. 

His heartbeat started to slow down as he started talking." I know that you'll be with me forever, it's just.....I'm scared. You are the only person who I can talk to like this. I.....I love you too Mika-" As he said that last sentence, he fall asleep.

The next day when I woke up, I didn't see Eren. I got ready for the day. I wanted to go see my uncle. When I got there, I ignored the women and when I entered. 

I didn't see my uncle. No what I saw was way worse. I saw Eren kissing.....a Marleyan! "E-Eren!" He looked at me suddenly with shock in his face. "Mi-Mikasa! This..This isn't what it looks like! I'm not!!!" 

The women put her hand over his mouth and stopped him from talking," Eren...... I-I thought you loved me! What did you tell me last night! Were you lying! You obviously don't care if I'm safe or not!" 

I screamed at Eren. He looked down but I didn't care. I immediately left, crying. I went into our place and went to the bed. I was crying hard. I thought Eren loved me, I really did. 

Was he just playing with me? Does he not really love me? I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have fallen in love with someone who couldn't love me.

I continued to cry. I heard knocking on the door," Mikasa. It's me. Sasha. Are you okay?" I heard Sasha talking at the door," Go away, please. I don't want to talk to anyone."

~Eren POV~

I had woken up with Mikasa In my arms. It felt so nice to be in her arms, just the two of us. I got up and got ready for the day, it was still very early but bright outside. I wanted to go to Mikasa's uncle to see if he could give me any information about the letter. When I got there, I saw Mikasa's uncle, his wife and a women in Marleyan's outfit. 

She looked shocked and said," I've never seen you before. What's your name? Were you appointed to keep these two safe with me." I didn't know what was happening but nodded my head. She walked up to me and said," Guess I'm lucky. Poor Harley and Rekt. They get stuck with each other and I got stuck with a handsome guy. Though you are late." 

She stepped back and said," You don't look familiar. Were you in cadet course 109. I heard that they practiced at the East side." I nodded. She continued," Ohhhhh, you must be Dirk! I heard the girls in the 103 cadet course talk about you. They did say you were hot." 

I nodded and said," Could you remind me why were here again? I kinda, sorta, maybe, might've forgotten." She looked down and shook her head," I cant believe you forgot. We need to keep Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman out of this room. They haven't come yet. Our orders are to capture Eren and kill Mikasa." 

I gasped and she looked at me with suspicious. I asked," Why do we need to kill Mikasa and capture Eren?" She went to go sit on the bed and said," You're so useless. Ugh. Eren is a Titan. We need to add his to our collection of titans. And Mikasa is part of the Ackerman clan. They oppose us. After we have dealt with those two, we are going to go to Paradis to kill all Eldians." 

Without thinking, said," You can't kill Mikasa!" I don't know why I said that. She stood up, walked to me and said," You're Eren Jaeger, aren't you?" There's no point in denying it. I nodded as I sighed. She said," You won't tell anyone about what I said and do you know why. Because if you do, say good bye to Mikasa. I'm the strongest soldier here. You're quite hot. Are you single?" 

Before thinking, I nodded. I don't why why but in these moments, my head didn't' seem to function properly. She brought her face closer to me and said," Let's get together. If you want Mikasa to stay safe," 

She turned around to look at Mikasa's uncle and his wife and continued," I want the two of you to go to the cafeteria. And as for you." She stopped mid-sentence. She seemed to wait for them to leave. As soon as they did, she kissed me. 

She slowly pulled away and said," If you don't let me continue, I'll kill Mikasa in front of you." I wanted to gasp but she kissed me again. That's when I heard Mikasa come in. I stopped kissing the women and looked Mikasa. She seemed to start crying. I tried to calm her down but she wouldn't listen.

*Mikasa POV*

I cant believe Eren would do that. I thought he really cared. I heard Levi enter my room. He sat down beside me and said," Mikasa, I know that this probably doesn't mean anything to you but....I tried learning about our past...or well, my past. Apparently, my full name is Levi Ackerman. We just happen to be cousins. I've been alone my entire life and for once when I finally realize that I have someone, she has to be upset. Mikasa, what's wrong?" 

I explained to entire story to him. I didn't know that Levi was my cousin. It felt good to tell someone about this," That god damn Eren! I'll kill him! How dare he do that! I didn't think he was capable of doing that." 

I looked at the ground. The entire time we were talking, I didn't get up from the bed. Captain Levi was sitting next to me. I started crying just talking about all of it again. Captain Levi must've seen me cause he put a hand on my head and said," It's alright. I'll beat Eren to hell when I see him." 

Captain Levi got and went to the door. When he got there, he said," If you need anything, I'll be in my quarter." I nodded and he left.

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