Our First Mission

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Chapter 6

*Mikasa POV*

It was the next day and we were suppose to leave for our expedition. We went to get ready in our ODM gear. We were leaving the wall on our horses. Eren was riding on my right and Armin was riding next to him," You nervous Eren?" I asked Eren. He shook his head. I leaned forward and asked," What about you Armin? You ready?" 

Armin didn't say anything. He didn't shake nor nod his head. We left the wall and I asked Captain Levi where we were going and he said," We're going to try to take back Trost." We all looked shocked. Eren added," Are you sure, Captain?" 

Petra then asked," Do you trust us, Eren?" He looked down, not answering. Captain then said," It's fine, you will learn to trust us in time. For now, it's fine if you don't trust us."

Eren then said," I trust you guys." Armin nodded and so did I. Captain finally said," There is a forest near Trost. We're going there to kill titans and use Eren to reclaim the wall." 

" How do we use Eren?" I asked. Armin said," I think he will transform into a titan and then I don't know what after." Petra said," There is a huge rock that Eren will carry to the hole in the wall. Then we will make sure that all the titans are dead. Finally we will tell people that Trost is secure." Captain added," Thank you for explaining Petra."

"Anytime, Captain." We eventually reached the forest by sunset," Everyone, we will stay in the forest until sunrise so we can start taking Trost. Rest up." Eren asked where we were suppose to put our horses. 

" Behind that tree is a shed where we will keep them. The district is only a couple feet away and there will be titans swarming the area. At least when we're here, we can easily fight them. We want all of you to rest up and Hange and I will switch between shifts so that both of us can rest up."

We were sitting on a huge tree. I was sitting next to Armin and Connie was sitting next to him. I was opposite Eren. Sitting next to him was sitting Sasha and Jean," We should get some sleep guys. It's late." Armin said as he leaned against Connie. 

Connie then rested his head back. "Hey Jean, do you mind switching places with me. I'm pretty sure Connie would like if you sat next to him?" I looked at Connie and he nodded. Jean then got up and gestured for me to come. 

Sasha said," We should get some sleep now guys. It's not good if we stay up." Jean nodded and laid back against the tree. I slowly but surely put my head on Eren's shoulder. He gasped but put his head on mine. 

When everyone had fallen asleep, Sasha asked," Hey Mikasa? Are you two dating? I've never seen anyone treat each other like you two treat each other?" She gave a wide grin and then a smirk as she looked at Eren, who was resting gently on my shoulder. I had lifted my head so he could lie properly. I looked at Eren. 

I hope that we end up together.

Sasha continued," So Mikasa, what it is?" I lied my head on Eren's and said," So what if we are." I then saw her face shocked. I tried to fall asleep but before I did, I felt Eren hold my hand.

*In the morning*

~Eren POV~

When I woke up, I saw the morning light. Mikasa's head was leaning on mine. I didn't want to get up in case it woke her up. 

She should get sleep. She never gets any sleep and it's always cause of me. I should leave her.

I leaned back down and someone asked," You awake, Eren?" I looked up to see who was talking. It was Jean. I nodded my head," Sleep well?" I replied," Yeah, you?" 

He answered," Of course you're answering. I mean, look at your life. You've got Mikasa, Armin and love. You're strong and Mikasa cares about you!" Jean whisper-shouted at me. What was that about? I asked," What! How could you say that I have a good life! We have the same life right now?" 

I was so annoyed with what Jean was saying. 

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