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Chapter 17

*Mikasa POV*

I was super tired from yesterday. I was crying the entire day so that was expected. When I woke up, I saw Eren next to me. I heard knocking in the door. I got up slowly and went to the door. When I opened the door, I saw Sasha and Armin outside. 

After we had greeted each other, we went to stand outside my room cause we didn't want to wake Eren. Sasha said," We met someone yesterday. We wanted to show her to you.....but you looked upset so we decided not to." 

I wondered who they were talking about. I turned my head, wondering who they were talking about," I met Ren and Inka. They apparently have a daughter named Gabi. I thought that you would want to meet someone here." I said," I might as well." We arranged for us to meet. At the middle of the day, we went to meet Ren and Inka.

"Hello! I'm Inka and this is my husband Ren. And my daughter.......Gabi. Gabi? Where did Gabi go? Gabi! We have company!" I greeted Ren and Inka and saw a small girl come down the stairs. She held her hand and said," Hi! I'm Gabi! And you are?" 

I shook her hand and said," I'm Mikasa. Nice to meet you, Gabi." She smiled and said," Nice to meet you, Mikasa." Inka gasped, pulled Gabi back and said," Gabi! He could you be so disrespectful! You are suppose to call her Ms. Mikasa." 

She looked down and I said," That's fine." After hours of staying there, I finally left. When I entered the room, I saw Eren. He jumped up from the bed and ran to me," Where were you the entire day!? You could have at least told me before you went!" 

I could see the worry in his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and said," I just went to go meet Sasha's friend." He looked confused,"Sasha's friend?" I didn't feel like talking about Inka and Ren as I had a huge headache. The second I sat down on the bed, the voices came back. 

They said," Erennnnn...... He's a lost cause....... There's no point in staying with him....." They then showed the image of me in his arms. I felt something touch my shoulder. I opened with a gasp. Eren looked at me and smiled. He hugged me. 

" Those voices are back again, aren't they? It's fine. Cry if you need to. You don't need to keep it in. We're the only ones here. Don't worry." I slowly put my arms around him. His grip tightened and it made me cry. I know that I'm safe with Eren. He's the only one that I will cry in front of.

A week later

~Eren POV~

I hated living in Marley. Just knowing that the people we were living with are our enemies. Is this how Reiner and Bertolt felt when they were with us? They wreaked havoc in Paradis. They deserve hell. I had met Ren and Inka. I had a strange feeling when I met Gabi. 

She gave me shivers up my spine. There's something about her. I don't want Mikasa to hang out with Inka and Ren anymore, but I can't tell her cause she looks so happy when she's there. Once when I was coming to Sasha's room, I saw Gabi outside. I wonder why she was there. 

I walked up to her. She obviously didn't hear me and when I touched her shoulder, she screamed. I said," Calm down Gabi. Its just me, Mr. Eren" 

She seemed to calm down but then got tensed up again. I asked her," Why are you here? Do you even know whose room this is?" I wondered how she got into Sasha and Armin's place. She seemed to fiddle with her shirt and said," Um...I....This is...Uh....." 

She took a deep breathe and said," This is Ms. Mikasa's room." I shook my head and tried to prevent myself from laughing. I shook my head and said," No, it's not." She looked confused. I lowered myself down so I was eye-level with her. "This is Ms. Sasha and Mr. Armin's room."

I laughed and she turned red," I really thought this was Ms. Mikasa's room. Please don't tell her that I forgot where her room was." I nodded. "Don't worry, I won't tell her if you don't." She nodded and laughed.

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