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Chapter 9

~Eren POV~

Mikasa had asked to stay with me and I said that it was fine. We had eaten and got cleaned. It was finally time to sleep," There's only one bed," Mikasa said as she looked at the bed," I'll just sleep on the floor or on the chair." 

I shook my head and said," There's no need. The bed's big enough for two people. Since I share a room with Armin, we have to sleep in the same bed. You have your own room along with Sasha, right?" She nodded," What side of the bed do you want to sleep by?" 

I asked her. She looked hesitatingly at the bed and said," The right side." I nodded and got in. She climbed in next to me. We both had enough space. I was almost asleep when I felt something touch my stomach. 

Mikasa's holding me?

I turned around to see her. She seemed to be smiling. She looks so peaceful in her sleep. I hugged her and went to sleep.


I was standing by the wall to Shiganshina. We were going to seal the wall. As we used our ODM gear, I heard gun shots. I saw soldiers being shot out of the air. The more gun shots we heard, the more Mikasa moved towards me. 

Why is she close?

That's when I hit something and got knocked unconscious. The last thing I remember before passing out with Mikasa holding me and screaming my name. When I came too, I was lying on my back. There seemed to be no fighting happening. I got up with a fright. 

I looked down at my hands. I saw Mikasa in front of me. She wasn't 15 anymore. "What's happening? Mikasa?" I held my head. She took my hand and asked," Are you okay, Eren?" 

I then remembered my dream and said," The Fight! What happened to the other soldiers! What about Captain Levi and Armin! Are they okay? I saw Sasha get shot, is she still alive?" 

When I finished my sentence, I was sweating. Mikasa slowly came to me, hugged me and said," It's all fine Eren. I don't know who you're talking about though. Who is Sasha and Captain Levi? Are they friends of yours?"  

I shook my head. Her grip seemed to tighten.," You were crying, right Eren?" She said as she held my back. I felt my eyes, they seemed to be puffy. We had to go. Suddenly it seemed like I passed out. I woke up when I was in bed. My mom was by my side and said," Don't move, Eren. Mikasa brought you back after you fainted. You need rest. Lie back down." 

I lightly lifted my head. I saw my mom sitting by my side with a concerned look on her face. I looked next to her and saw Mikasa. She looked tired. But below her tiredness, I saw worry. And not just a little, I saw a lot. I sat up and said," Mikasa, you look tired. I want you to rest instead of me." She had a shocked look. 

My mom said," It's sunset so both of you should be resting. Get in bed Mikasa. It's late. Will you watch over Eren for me?" As she said the last sentence, she had this smile of worry and happiness. Mikasa nodded and got in the bed next to me. Before I knew it, I was sleeping. In my dream, I watched Mikasa die. 

The last thing she said was," I tried to protect you but it didn't go so well. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I..I love you Eren." I woke up with tears in my eyes and screaming. Mikasa got up as soon as I started screaming. It seemed as if I was full on crying. My mom walked into our room and asked,"  Eren, honey, what's wrong?" 

I was breathing hard. I didn't know how to put it into words," Maybe it was just a nightmare?" Mikasa said as she rubbed my back. I hugged Mikasa as she finished talking, which only made me cry harder. Mikasa just held me tightly. 

The fact that she's here in my arms makes me believe my dream," I dreamed that...that...Mikasa died....trying to...." I said between sniffles. That seemed to make Mikasa hug me harder. I didn't care that she kept hugging me harder. 

I then heard this echoing voice," Mikasa, she will die because of you. It's your fault. No one else is to blame. If you continue to stay with her, this will be her future." Suddenly, pictures of Mikasa came into my head. She was in my arms with blood dripping from her head and a huge hole of blood by her stomach. I couldn't do anything. I need to leave. That's the only way to protect her.

~End of Eren's dream~

I woke up covered in sweat. I was breathing hard. I have to leave. I got up and got out a piece of paper. I started to write two letters. One for everyone and another Mikasa only. Her grandfather used to train me to become stronger.

~By Mikasa's grandfather~

I had just arrived by Mr. Ackerman. I knocked on the door, it was about sunset. He opened the door and said," Hello Eren, it's been a while since I last saw you." I greeted him back. Once I entered, he brought me to my old room. 

I sat on my old bed and said," I haven't been in here in so long." Mr. Ackerman sat next to me and said," The last time you were here, you were eight years old. And that reminds me, have you met Mikasa yet? I heard what happened to her parents but I didn't hear what happened to her. Is she safe?" 

I looked up and said," Yeah, she's fine. I met her when I was twelve. I saved her from bad men and she's been by my side ever since."

He said," So I'm guessing she's safe?" I nodded. After a couple moments of silence, Mr. Ackerman asked," Did you come her to get more stronger? Did something happen cause last time you were here, you wanted to get stronger so you could fight against the bullies. Do you remember? You were such a stupid kid back then." 

He put his hand on my head. I said," Yeah, I was stupid back then. I've come her to get stronger so I can protect Mikasa." He looked confused and asked," Why?" I looked up at him and said," What do you think?" He laughed and said," I'm an old man, Eren. I don't understand you youths of today. I'm 62, don't forget. "

I lowered my head and said," I've been having nightmares about Mikasa dying in my arms. I've got these strong feelings towards her. It's like I don't want to leave her side but I want to keep her safe. It hurts me to leave her alone." 

Mr. Ackerman puts his hand on my head and said," I may not know about this topic but what you're feeling is called love. It's the feeling of not wanting to separate from them." I blushed. 

Could I really be in love with Mikasa? This is the first time I'm actually thinking about it. I've never thought to think about it? Could Mikasa love me too? I'll ask Mr. Ackerman, how do you know if someone likes you.

I looked at him and asked," it possible to tell if someone likes you?" He put his arm around my neck and answered, "Yeah, it's possible. You wanna tell if someone likes you? Could it be....Mikasa?" He smirked at me and I looked down while I blushed," If the person wants you to be safe the entire time, or stays by your side or even wants you to be happy the entire time. That's love."

Mr. Ackerman stood up and said," Get some sleep, Eren. We'll start training tomorrow. I'll get you stronger so you can protect Mikasa." I changed, ate and put the light off. Just before I fell asleep, I said," Oh, Mikasa, I hope your okay and safe. I will always feel bad for leaving you." After that, I fell asleep.

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