The basement

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Chapter 12

*Mikasa POV*

We had arrived at Shiganshina and everything was going smoothly. Or so I thought.

Eren had transformed and we were all in our positions. I saw a titan moving towards Eren as Eren had picked the boulder up. It was the same plan as last time as it worked so well. The Titan had got insanely close to Eren and that made me mad. 

I went over to Eren with my ODM gear and zipped to the titans nape. What happened next is something that I didn't expect. That titan looked normal. Huge and stupid. But when I came towards the nape, it turned around and I was in its mouth! The light went from darkness to red everywhere! Was I inside the titan's mouth?

~ Eren POV~

I had picked the boulder. As soon as I did, titans started coming towards me. I wasn't worried cause my friends were going to kill them. I had Mikasa and everyone by my side. A titan came close to me and I saw Mikasa coming. As soon as she came close to the titan's nape, he turned his head and Mikasa was gone in an instance! There was this anger that swelled up in me. That's when I rushed at the Titan.

*Mikasa POV*

I was in the titan's stomach. I still had my ODM gear. I attacked it to the top of the Titan's stomach so I wouldn't touch the acid. That's when I felt the titan move. It seemed to fly as I was shoved against the wall.

~ Eren POV~

I shoved the Titan as hard as I could. I'm not losing Mikasa! As soon as the Titan fell, I was on him. I ripped his head off and it flew. I started ripping the rest of it apart. I came to his stomach and ripped it open. I saw Mikasa covered in blood. I softly grabbed her.

*Mikasa POV*

The titan seemed to move all over the place. I was rammed into the wall over and over again. I saw light. I felt myself being lifted up. I tried to open my eyes and saw Eren. I was glad to see him. My head was aching. Eren came put me on a building and come out of the titan. 

"Mikasa, your head!" I looked confused. What was wrong with my head? Sure I felt a huge pain. That's when I saw something red coming from my forehead. Eren come towards me quickly," I'll be back before you...nevermind. I'll bring you with me." 

He went back into the titan and picked me up. He brought us to the top of the wall where everyone else was," Mikasa!" Armin said as he ran towards me. Eren let me down and came to us. 

"I don't know what happened?" Eren asked as he held me. I was starting to lose conscious," How can we help her?" Sasha asked. Armin answered," We don't have anything medicine to use but bandaging it up will help. Does anyone have anything to use?" 

Eren said,"We can use my sleeves. I don't care." Everyone nodded. He softly put me down and ripped his sleeves off. He asked Jean to hold me so he could wrap my head. Jean came and held me while Eren wrapped head. Eventually I lost all conscious.

I seemed to be slipping in and out of consciousness after so what happened next is in bits and pieces. By the time I woke up, my head felt better and I didn't see any titans within the wall. Eren was sitting by my side and asked," You feel better?" 

I nodded and he continued," We didn't want to go back so we left you here with Armin and Sasha protecting you. I went to go patch up the wall. Everyone else killed the titans. We're ready to open the basement but I wanted to wait for you to wake up. Captain Levi said that we should just get someone to take you back but I thought you should come with." 

He looked at the key around his neck. I slowly sat up and said," I'm fine, we can go." He nodded. We got down and left. Eren was supporting me by holding my arm and helping me to walk. I had a slight headache but it wasn't that bad. We reached our house. The memories it brought back. 

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