The key and voices

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Chapter 11

*Mikasa POV*

Eren and I had gotten ready for the day. We had taken Trost back. When we were at lunch, I looked at Eren to see if he was eating. He normally got so invested in the conversation, that he forgot to eat. Instead of talking, he was looking at his key around his neck. 

I always wondered why he had that key around his neck? I asked," Eren, why aren't you eating?" He awoke from his daydream and said," Sorry! I got lost in my thoughts!" 

That's when Captain Bossy came in and said," I want you all to come to Erwin's room so we can discuss something." We all nodded. As soon as we finished lunch, we went to his room. 

As soon as we entered, Commander Erwin motioned for us to sit. As soon as we sat, Commander Erwin asked," Before we start our conversation, I would like to ask Eren something. Eren, why do you carry that key with you? I always see it with you." 

Eren gasped and looked at the key. Suddenly he grabbed his head and started screaming. He fell of the chair and before anyone could even gasp, I was beside Eren. 

" Eren! Are you okay?" I asked him as I sat next to him. He ignored me and continued to scream. Captain Levi walked over to us and said," Yeager, get control over yourself!" 

He replied," I'm.....trying!" That's when he stood up and rammed himself into the wall! I wanted to hold his arms so he couldn't do anything else but Armin held my arm and shook his head. Eren started punching himself in the face. 

He suddenly screamed, at the top of his voice," Stop it! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HURT ANYONE LET ALONE MIKASA!" That's when he seemed to lose all control over his body and fell forward. I caught him and he seemed to sigh in relief. I asked," Eren? Are you okay?" 

He didn't answer. I shook him slightly. That's when I heard something. It was a whisper," Eren. He's a lost cause. Leave him. There's no point in staying with him." That's when I put Eren down on a chair cause I needed to hold my head to maybe sooth the headache I now had. 

But that's when I heard loud shouting in my head. I screamed loudly. I didn't know what to do," Mikasa!" I heard someone shout. I don't know who that was. I held my head tightly to try to stop the voices. They kept switching between whispering and shouting. 

Whenever I hear the whispers, I think that it's going to be over, but then there's more shouting. I had a splitting headache from the screaming," Why don't you try the same thing Eren did. Ram your head against the wall and hit yourself. Worked for Eren didn't it." 

I know that I shouldn't have don't that but I did. I ran against the wall and knocked my head as hard as I could. 

Why is this happening? Of all times, now?

" Come to us, Mikasa. Leave Eren. You cannot protect him. If you continue to try to, this will be your fate." That when images came to me head. It was me in Eren's arms. Blood was dropping from my head and here was a hole in my stomach. 

Eren was screaming my name out loud. That just made my scream louder," THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN! I WILL PROTECT EREN NO MATTER WHAT EVEN IF IT IS A LOST CAUSE!" That just made me hold my head harder. I continued to hit myself in the face. 

Eventually I got tired and fell forward. I felt someone catch me. I looked up and it was Eren! I thought he would be out by now. He had a concerned look on his face. 

"Are you okay, Mikasa? Why were you screaming?" I held my head to try to sooth it again. I tried my best to stand up but fell forward again. Eren said," Don't try to stand. You're really weak." That's when Armin walked over and said," She's turning white! That usually happens when you experience something shocking or traumatic." Sasha asked," Where'd you learn that?" Armin answered," From a book, when I was a kid."  They all nodded their heads.

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