What Are You Doing, Levi!!

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Chapter 16

~Eren POV~

I left the women there and ran to Mikasa. I saw the tears on her face and felt so guilty. When I got there, I didn't see anyone around. I knocked on the door and entered. I saw Mikasa crying on the bed. She said," Go away, whoever you are." 

I sat on the bed, pulled the blanket of her head and said," No, I promised I would never leave your side, didn't I." She looked shocked and said," Eren. Be honest. Do you really love me, or don't you." 

Her voice seemed to break. I moved towards her. She had a look of shock in her eyes. I put my arms around her and pulled her closer. I rested my head on her shoulder. 

I whispered," I love you. And I will forever. No matter how many times I have to tell you." I pulled back and looked at her scarf. I softly held it and continued," I remember giving you this when we were younger. It was to keep you warm. Now that's it getting closer to winter, I bet you're going to need it a lot. I will wrap the scarf around you no matter how many times you want me to." 

She smiled. I then leaned forward and kissed her. It felt so nice. I pulled back, out of breathe . I wanted more but was scared she didn't want. So I didn't move forward again. She then said," I love you Eren. And I will forever and always."


Levi had returned from going out," Where did you go?" He sat down and asked," Why would you want to know?" I laughed and replied," Cause I gotta keep track of our shortie." He moved over to me and said," We're both sitting. I dare you to call me shortie again." 

I stopped laughing. I liked pissing him off. He looked so cute when he was mad especially since he's so small. I put my hand on his head and said," What would I do without you." 

I smiled and he said," You'd be observing rocks 24/7. You 4 eyed nerd." I just looked at him and asked," So why did you go outside?" He moved away from me and said," I went to go talk to Mikasa."

I asked why he went and he didn't answer. He said," Being with Mikasa reminded me of when I was with my mother. My mother used to give me kind words but...she died at a little after I was born." 

I gasped and he continued," I can still remember watching my mom starve cause they weren't giving us food." Then suddenly he hugged me. "Le-Levi!" He didn't let go. I sighed and put my arms around him. He's been through a lot. 

He did live underground after all. After he let go, I said," Thank you for sharing that story with me." He looked away and said," I've never told anyone about that. Your the first one. I only trust this story with you." 

I felt honored that Levi, the coldest person in our entire squad, was opening up to me. I out my hand on his shoulder and said," Thank you. I feel  honored." He smiled and out his hand on mine.

<Armin >

I had walked past Eren and Mikasa's quarter and heard crying. Im not sure who it was. Mikasa is literally unable to cry. And I've only seen Eren cry once about Mikasa.


They are 14

Eren had come back from the market. I told him to meet me in the secret base. When he came, he looked upset. Mikasa surprisingly wasn't with him. When he walked in and saw me, he ran up to me and started crying. I asked," What's wrong Eren?" 

Eren said," Mikasa had to protect me again. I hate it when she protects me. I need to be the one who protects her, but no matter what, I just can't. Why am I so weak?" He couldn't stop crying. I slowly pulled him back and said," Don't worry. You'll get stronger in the future. And it's not like Mikasa cares anyway. Have you seen the way she reacts when anyone insults you or tried to hurt you? She goes all berserk. On of these days, she'll kill someone cause of it " 

He didn't stop crying. Only after a few minutes when Mikasa showed up, he stopped. I don't know how she managed to make him stop crying. When it comes to Eren, Mikasa is legit not a human.

*Flashback over*

I went to the door and knocked. I heard Mikasa speak between sniffles," Go away." I didn't want to interrupt her and left. I don't know what's wrong but I hope she feels better soon. I hope Eren comes and comforts her.

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