How Could You!!!

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Chapter 18

*Mikasa POV*

I felt very uncomfortable when we were around Gabi. Eren had gone to the main hall of the building that my uncle was. I was going to enter the hall but I heard talking. Eren went in there alone so I didn't know who he could be talking to. I listened through the door and heard Eren talking. 

Then I heard Gabi talking! I put my ear closer to try to hear what she was saying. She was saying," I know you're in love with Ms. Mikasa but she's a Eldian. You're not suppose to love her. If you do, I'll tell my big brother. " 

I heard Eren gasp and say," How do you know Mikasa is an Eldian?" She lowered her voice down to a whisper. I could barely hear what she said," I was spying on her! I heard her talking to Mr. Armin, and then Mr. Armin said that she was an Eldian. Could I ask you a question?"

I think Eren nodded his head cause I heard Gabi continue. She asked," Would you mind if I.... you know..... got rid of Ms. Mikasa." That's when I opened the door before they could say anything. I saw Gabi draw a gun. She cocked it and got ready to shoot. 

I have no idea where she got that gun from. Eren put his hands out and asked," Calm down, Gabi. Put the gun down. What do you think you're going to do with that?" She aimed it at me and said," I'm going to shoot Mikasa." 

I put my hands over my head as I heard the bullet being fired. I waited for the pain to come....but it didn't. I opened my eyes and saw Eren in front of me. He had blood coming out of his chest. He slowly opened his eyes and asked, "" 

I replied," That's not what we should be worried about! The question is, are you okay!?" He fell forwards, towards me. I held him tightly in my arms and brought him to our room. I treated his wound. Everyone came later. I told them what happened. 

Jean said," Where's she! I want her to pay for shooting Eren!" Sasha giggled and said," Mikasa will find her any second now. We just need to make Eren is okay, first. You treated him already right?" I nodded my head. Not once glancing away from Eren. 

Connie walked towards me, put a hand on my shoulder and said," Would you mind explaining what happened?" I clutched my hand tightly. When I looked around the room, everyone was looking at me with a terrified look. I let my grip go and started to explain," I heard Gabi and Eren talking. I heard Gabi ask Eren if he was okay if she got rid of me. I opened the door and she shot at me. Eren must've jumped in front of me before I saw anything....." 

I heard Eren move slightly and mumble something. I moved towards him to try to hear what he was saying. He must've still been asleep. He repeated it," Mika-Mikasa.......please......don't leave" Eren seemed to struggle with his breathing. 

I sat down on the bed next to him. I held his hand. That seemed to sooth him down. His breathing went back to normal. I heard someone approach the door. Then I heard knocking. Sasha went to answer the door. I saw Ren and Inka! 

Inka walked up to me and said," I heard what Gabi did! Is Eren okay?" I looked at him as Ren walked up to us. I nodded my head and Ren started talking," That was not my daughter. I don't know what happened to her, but that was not my innocent Gabi. Therefore I don't care what happens to her." 

Sasha walked up to us and asked," You really feel like that? You really don't care what happens to Gabi?" He nodded and held Inka's hand. She replied," That's not our Gabi. Our Gabi would never do something like that. I don't know who that is but I don't care what happens to her. Put her in jail for all I care." 

" So you wouldn't mind if I killed her?" I heard a voice say from our door. When I looked, I saw Captain Levi and Second Commander Hange. Inka looked down and said," I don't care. If you want to kill her, then kill her."

For some reason, knowing that she's okay with me killing Gabi soothed me a little. I was going to kill Gabi anyway. No one will mess, hurt, injure or insult Eren when I'm around. Child or adult. They will pay.

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