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Chapter 13

*Mikasa POV*

We spent the next 6 months killing titans all over the island. While we were out, we found Ymir.

*2 years later*

We are at Marley now. As soon as we walked in, women starting talking about Eren. Then they started to walk up to him. He looked so confused when they were talking to him. I got mad and jealous. 

Eren must've seen my face and said," Sorry girls, but I've already got a girlfriend." They all gasped and got angry but walked away. 

Captain Levi saw what was happening and said," I want everyone to partner up. I don't what that to happen again. Hange, I'll be with you. Once you're partnered up, continue going north until you see us."

 We all gasped but Captain Levi ignored us. We were talking about how to partner up. Eren and I just stood there and didn't speak. Ymir and Krista partnered up. Connie and Jean partnered up. Armin and Sasha partnered up and only Eren and me were left. 

We walked with our partner but we didn't all walk together. As soon as we arrived, we saw Captain Levi and Second Commander Hange. 

They were talking to some men. When we walked up to them, Second Commander Hange said," We had planned to give you all separate rooms but that's not going to happen. You will need to stay with your partner." 

Eren and I looked at each other. Once we were all set up, Eren and I were going to sleep when we noticed that there was only one bed," Which side do you want to sleep on?" Eren asked me," Left side please." 

He nodded. I got in the bed and Eren got next to me. Just as we were getting comfortable, I got a huge headache. I grabbed my head and Eren asked," Are you okay?" 

I nodded my head. He seemed to look through me and asked," Headache again?" I nodded sadly. 

" We should switch sometime." I nodded. I couldn't talk as I was trying to prevent from getting a bigger headache. He must've seen me and held me. He held me tightly yet softly and said," It'll be over soon." I let go of my head and out my hands around him. I tried to fall asleep and succeeded.

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