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Chapter 18

*Mikasa POV*

It has been week since Gabi shot Eren. He's been asleep all this time. Whenever I glanced at him, I saw his titan steam. I'm guessing he was healing himself. Then I heard Eren move. Whenever he did that, he always muttered," Mika-Mikasa... don't...... leave me." 

Then I would sit next to him and hold his hand. When I held his hand,  his eyes opened. I gasped. He tried to sit and I helped him. He asked me," You're okay right Mikasa? She didn't get you anywhere?" 

I looked at him. He looked concerned. I shook my head. He smiled. I put a hand on his shoulder and asked him," First off, do you feel better? Are your wounds healed fully? I checked your wounds two days ago. Second off, why did you save me?" 

He gave a laugh and said," I feel better. And I that to protect you. You've protected me all my life so far. I need to start protecting you. No matter how much you want to protect me, I won't let you protect me if it risks you." 

I blushed and Eren laughed," Why is Miss. Cold turning red?" I looked away which made him laugh harder. I held my scarf. Suddenly, he put his arms around me and brought me to his chest. It was where he got shot. 

" Were you worried? When I got shot?" I nodded. I don't think I've ever been that scared before, other than when my parents died. I had lost my parents in front of me and if I lost Eren in front of me, there wouldn't be any point in living. 

I put my hand on his wound. We were silent for quite some time. I was listening to his breathing to make sure he was okay. He gasped, out of nowhere, and exclaimed," What about Gabi!? Where is she!" 

I brought my head up and said," I wanted to go after her, but decided that being by your side was more important." He gave me a small smile, put his hand on mine, closed his eyes and said," You didn't need to. If you wanted to go, you could've gone." 

I lifted my head and giggled. "I tried to go many times, but you always held the end of my shirt, telling me not to leave your side." He seemed to turn red at me saying that. I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw Sasha there. 

She came in and sat at the table by the bed. She started talking," I see Eren is awake, finally. Also, Mikasa," She turned to me with a serious look. She then looked down with a sad look," I'm sorry but.....we all planned to put Gabi behind bars or something like that. I know that it's wrong, but we just couldn't let someone shoot Eren and get away with it. Anyway, we decided to do it without you. Whenever we came to the room, Eren didn't want you to leave, so we decided to leave you. So when we started looking for Gabi, we couldn't find her. We looked all over Marley, she's nowhere. I don't know how we lost her. We were kinda hoping that you could help us. We were thinking that since Eren got hurt, you would be mad and find her immediately." 

I held my scarf and said," That's true. Anyone who messes with Eren, messes with me. And anyone who hurts Eren, I will go after them until I find them." Eren laughed and I looked away. We then spent the next week searching for Gabi.  

No matter what, we couldn't find her," I wonder where she is?" Eren said as we walked around. We eventually gave up. I thought that since we had lost Gabi, Eren was safe.....but I forgot about the fight and Eren getting rid of all the titans. I was very mistaken.

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