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Chapter 10

~Eren POV~

I've been training for 4 months. I haven't sent a letter to Mikasa since the first one. She's probably worried beyond compare. I need to go visit her. When I finished training, I said," Ummm....Mr. Ackerman, do you mind if I go and visit Mikasa?" 

He said,"Yes, you've been working hard these last 4 months and you haven't even sent her 1 letter." I bowed, thanking him and left. I rode as fast as I could. I saw scouts in the distance. That's when I saw Mikasa. I called out loud,"MIKASA!" 

She immediately looked in my direction. I jumped off my horse and hugged her tightly," I missed you so much! I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier!" 

Mikasa stood there not hugging me back. I pulled back and looked in her eyes. I was tearing up from missing her. That's when she suddenly hugged me tightly. I gasped but hugged her back. Everyone came to us. We broke apart and blushed. 

Armin hugged me," I missed you all!" I said as I hugged all of them. Captain Levi walked up to me and asked," How did it go? Did you get stronger?" 

I nodded," Mikasa's grandfather is still as strong as he was." Everyone was silent as soon I finished my sentence," You were training with Mikasa's grandfather?" Jean asked. I nodded. Captain Levi said," It's late guys, I want you all to go to your quarters."

Everyone was walking when I grabbed Mikasa's sleeve," Do you mind staying with me tonight?" She stopped and looked at me," I don't mind if you don't mind." 

I looked up and smiled. We walked to my quarter. Armin didn't see that Mikasa came in with me. I said," Hey Armin, would you mind if I spent the night with Mikasa? I missed her dearly." Armin walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder," Don't worry, I understand. I can stay by Connie." 

I thanked him as he left. I sat on the bed and motioned for Mikasa to sit next to me. I lied my head on her shoulder," I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I didn't mean for that to happen. It was only suppose to take three months." 

She looked confused and asked," But then why did you say it would take 6-12 months?" I put my hand on her hand and replied," Mr. Ackerman made me write that. I still don't know why he did that. He also asked if you wanted to meet him." 

Mikasa lied her head on mine and said," Will you be with?" I tried to nod but didn't work out well. Mikasa started giggling.

" I would love to meet my grandfather." I yawned. I felt Mikasa put me down slowly on the bed and lie next to me. I don't know why I said this but just before I fell asleep, I said," I love you Mikasa." Then I turned and put my arms around her.

When I woke up, I saw that Mikasa was in my arms. We were holding each other and facing each other. I was looking at her face. She's so unbelievably beautiful. I saw her eyes open," Good morning Mikasa." 

I said and she greeted back. We slowly sat up," Eren, I know that I probably shouldn't ask you this but, did you mean what you said last night. When you said loved me." 

I blushed and looked away," Yes, I meant it. I do love you." I looked away from her as she said," you too." Then I did, what I thought was the bravest thing I would ever do. I turned to her and kissed her. Her lips were so soft. 

I pulled away to see that her entire face was red. That was the same for me. I could feel my face heating up.

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