The Cart, Hammer and Jaw Titan

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This is a fight scene. I didn't watch S4 full, so I don't know their proper names. I will give them my own names. Whats going to happen, isn't what really happens.

Chapter 19

*Mikasa POV*

Eren and I were walking around. We were talking when suddenly, someone grabbed Eren's shoulder. They turned him around and gasped. 

They then screamed," IT'S EREN YEAGER! THE ELDIAN!" Everyone looked at us and started running. Eren looked at me and asked," Do you know what's happening?" I shook my head. The person then transformed into a titan! 

Before I could do anything, Eren had transformed and was standing in front of me. I'm guessing all our friends heard cause they all come over in their gear. I don't know when they had time to change. 

Armin jumped on Eren's shoulder and said," Eren, you're facing the Cart Titan. He's very agile. He's almost as agile as Ymir. Be careful. I will move Mikasa away so don't about keeping her safe." 

Eren came out of the titan and said," Okay. Take her away quickly cause I wanna start the fight." Armin nodded and came to me. Armin moved me to where Captain Levi was. Jean, Connie and Sasha came with us. We didn't want to be by Eren, in case we distracted him.

<Armin POV>

We had gotten to where Captain Levi was. Mikasa was safe. I made sure to land carefully so she wouldn't get hurt. Captain Levi walked towards us and said," Mikasa's safe, I see. Guys, we need to move Bertolt and Reiner to where Eren is. I read how Eren is going to end the titans. It was in the letter. Mikasa, there is equipment for you." 

He pointed to the equipment. She put it on. When we got there, I saw Eren chocking the Cart Titan. And then behind him, I saw another titan. "ERENNNNNNNNN!" 

Mikasa screamed. He looked behind him and was able to dodge him. He then punched the titan in the face," Erennn! That's the Hammer Titan!" He looked at us and nodded. He then started attacking the Hammer Titan. All of a sudden, another titan came! 

" Where are all these titans coming from?" Sasha screamed. "Erennnn! That's the Jaw Titan! Be careful!" I screamed," How do you know all these titans?" Connie asked. I said that I researched it. Mikasa ran to go help Eren. We screamed her name but she didn't stop. Eren didn't stop attacking. Even though he occasionally got hurt. 

Eren finally killed the Cart Titan. He ate the person. After a couple hours of them fighting. Eren had eaten the Hammer and Jaw Titan. We brought Reiner and Bertolt to him. When he ate them, something happened to him. He seemed to flicker a yellow light. All of a sudden, Eren fell forward. When Mikasa held him, her reaction wasn't what I expected.

*Mikasa POV*

Eren had flickered a yellow light. It was so bright that we needed to close our eyes. Eren fell forward. I caught him but something happened," E-Eren." I said softly. 

I lowered myself to where his heart was. His heart wasn't beating," Eren....." I said softly, repeating myself. Everyone walked up to me and saw my reaction," Is Eren....." Sasha asked. I nodded my head," He cant be." Connie said. 


Eren can't leave me. He promised he wouldn't. He promised he would stay by my side forever and always. 

His body was so cold. There was no more warmth. No more shouting about getting rid of titans.

~Eren POV~

I had blacked out after a yellow light flashes. I was in this place. It was night and the sky was clear. I saw the moon. It looked as if it was greeting me. I heard something and turned around. I saw Mikasa looking at me. I tried running to her but she turned away from me and walked away. Then I heard this shouting in my head. 

And people saying that Mikasa is dead," SHUTTT UPPPP! MIKASA'S NOT DEAD!" I then heard my dad's voice. He said," Well done, Eren. You did it. You got rid of the titans. The only thing is that you died." I looked around me and said," If I died, then where am I? It doesn't look as if I'm dead." 

I then saw my dad appear in front of me. I ran to him and hugged him. I missed him so much," How are you here? You're dead?" I said as I hugged him.  He answered," Yes, I am dead. But when an Attack Titan dies, he can see the previous Attack Titan. The previous Attack Titan can also revive the present one. " 

I gasped," Really! Then you could revive me!" He nodded," But I won't. You don't have anything on the other side. There's no point in going back." I looked at him. "What happened to Mikasa....and Armin.....and Sasha....and Connie and Jean and Captain Levi along with Second Commander Hange." 

He looked at me and said," Your friends are still alive, but you aren't that close that you would want to go back. I also don't want you to back to Mikasa. You always scream at her. And you always get annoyed with her. I'm not going to send you back." I shouted," No, send me back! I want to be by my friends!" 

He sighed and asked why he should. I replied," I love Mikasa. Armin is my best friend. I respect Captain Levi and Second Commander Hange. And my friends, Connie and Sasha and Jean. " He sighed and said," Fine, I'll send you back." 

He seemed to knock me out again. When I came too, I saw Mikasa next lying next to me in our bed. I didn't want to move. I heard someone knock on the door. Armin came in from what I heard. 

" Mikasa, we have to take Eren's body now. He's.....dead and there's no point in keeping him here. It's what he would've wanted. I don't think he wants you crying over him." Mikasa said," No. Give me more time. I don't want to give him yet." 

Armin said," Fine, you've had him for a week. We'll give you 1 more day." He then left. Mikasa started crying. She then held me and asked," Eren.....oh Eren.... Why did you have to leave me? You promised me that you'd stay with me. That you'd wrap my scarf around me. can you do it now?" 

I couldn't take it any more," I'm still with you. And I will still wrap your scarf around you " She gasped," ERRENNNNNN!" She screamed out loud. I saw everyone run in saying Mikasa's name. But Mikasa was crying in my arms. They all ran up to me and were crying. 

Even Captain Levi let out a tear, even though he wiped it away immediately. I said," Guys.....I.....can't....breathe...." They all let go of me. I start breathing hard, trying to catch my breath.

I'm so happy that I'm here with them all again

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