The Note

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Chapter 14

<Armin POV>

I had just woken up. Sasha was sitting by the desk and said," Morning Armin. You finally woke up. Eren and Mikasa won't be able to hang out with us today. They're going to the place in the letter. Get up and get dressed so we can go meet up with Jean and Connie." 

I nodded and got dressed. We left and went to meet up with them. When we got there, Connie and Jean were arguing but they stopped when we were approached. Once we greeted each other, Connie asked," Have any of you noticed or is it just me. Are Eren and Mikasa dating?" 

Jean said," Tsk, how could those two date? Eren is always screaming at Mikasa." I held my chin, in thought, and said," But he hasn't shouted at her in while. I wonder why?"

Sasha held her hands by her chest and said," Love. It's love. " The three of us looked at her as if she was crazy. 

" Love! You call that love!" Connie exclaimed. Sasha nodded and continued," The way they treat each other. The way that they look into each other's eyes. The way they hold each other. Can't you see it?" 

What love? I really don't see it. They've been like that since kids. 

I asked," Excuse me Sasha, but what is love? I never tried to learn about it." She gasped and said," Love is beautiful! When two people love each other, it is as if time stops. You want to protect them even if it costs your life. You want to spend your entire life with them. That's love in short." 

That's when Connie asked," Do any of you love someone?" Jean nodded and said," I love Mikasa. That's why I won't let that Eren weakling have Mikasa. He doesn't deserve her." Sasha said," I don't love anyone... yet. Haven't found the correct man yet." I nodded.

*Mikasa POV*

We had woken up and gotten ready for the day. Eren asked," Do you wanna go see those people today?" 

I nodded. We went to Armin and Sasha's room and told Sasha about our plan for the day. She said that she'd tell Armin. We left and went to the building. When we entered, we saw the women in green. She asked us what our name was. 

Eren was about to answer when I grabbed his arm. He looked at me and I shook my head. He nodded and we went into the left door. We knocked on the 4th door in the hallway. A man said that we can come in. 

When we entered, I said," Hello! I'm Mikasa Ackerman and this is Eren Yeager." He jumped up and said," Finally! The Ackerman and Yeager kids have come!" 

He looked at his wife, who was sitting on the chair at the desk next to us. He walked up to us and checked us. He was looking at me and said," Mikasa, was it? You have beautiful black hair. I also love your eye colour." 

After checking me out and giving compliments, he moved on to Eren. "Eren, was it? Oh my! You have quite a strong figure." When he said that, he punched Eren in the stomach. Eren flew against the wall. He smiled and said," That's good. Anyway I should introduce myself. I'm Rida Ackerman. I'm Mikasa's uncle. This is my wife, Hilda Ackerman. Your father, Eren, used to live with us. We made him stronger. I'm guessing you read the book your father wrote? " We nodded our heads.

He lifted the bed and took out a piece of paper. He gave it to us and said," This is for you to read." Eren took it and started to read:  

"To Eren and Mikasa. I love you too dearly. I'm very sorry but I don't know you guys yet. Eren, you haven't been born yet and I haven't met your parents yet, Mikasa. Forgive me both of you but, you two are tasked with something really hard. Eren, you're probably reading this and if you are, I want you to read the next part by yourself."

Mr. Ackerman or my uncle said," It's best if you do." His wife then walked up to him and said," That's not fair. They should both hear that even if it upsets them." I looked at him and said," You should read it out loud." He nodded and continued: 

"You probably have fallen in love with Mikasa from what I can see. I'm not sure if you will ever tell her. DO NOT READ THIS TO MIKASA. IT WILL BREAK HER HEART. I know that Mikasa has become very close to you. She's by your side all the time. The only reason I know, is because I had a vision."

Eren held his chin and said," I wonder what he wrote that I can't read to you." I walked up to Eren and said," Don't worry. No matter what that says, I'll be with you no matter what. We do this together, okay." He sighed, nodded and continued: 

"Eren, you will be the one to save humanity. You will defeat all titans. But it might cost you your life. I really hope that you haven't told Mikasa you love her. Do not tell anybody about this plan. When you finish reading this, you may read aloud again. At a certain time, Marleyan's will realize that you guys are there. No matter what, do not get caught. When you try to save your friends, about 3 or 4 titans will come after you. The Hammered, Jaw, Colossal and Armored titans will come. When you defeat them, you need to eat them. That's when you... I cannot explain why will happen. But you will feel immense pain and it might kill you. But in the end, all titans will be irradiated. Mikasa and the rest of your friends will be safe. I'm very sorry that you have to be the one to do that." 

Eren's eyes grew huge as he finished reading. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I looked down and closed my eyes. I don't want Eren to go. Eren put a hand on my shoulder and said," Don't worry, Mikasa. I will live through this. Just so I can be with you. Remember, I promised to wrap your scarf around you forever and always. I cant do that if I'm dead, now can I?" 

I let out a little laugh. He continued," Now smile for me. Please." I looked up and he had a pleading look in his eyes. I tried to smile and successfully did. He smiled back at me and hugged me," It will be okay, don't worry." 

I hugged him harder. I heard him coughing so I let go. As soon as I did, he leaned on the wall and said," Too....hard...can't....breathe...." He tried to a catch his breath. I looked away and said," Sorry. That was an accident."

That's when my uncle's wife said," You two should get going. " We nodded and left.

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