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KATHERINE HEARD HER MOTHER AND STEPFATHER FIGHTING IN THE MORNING. She didn't know why, just that they were. John left the house, slamming the door behind him.

Katherine walked down the stairs after a moment to make it seem like she hadn't been listening. She found her mother in the living room, her head in her hands.

"Are you all right, Mother?" Katherine asked.

Emma looked up and nodded. "Just fine, dear. You should be heading to school."

"Yeah," Katherine nodded. "Um, quick question. There are many books that I've read but none that explains love."

"Do you love someone, dear?" Emma asked, surprised.

"No, no," Katherine said quickly. "Just... do you have to be in love with someone to be... intimate with them?"

"My God!" Emma exclaimed, slightly horrified. Emma saw her daughter's serious expression. "Not everyone is in love with the person, but you should be sure if you are in an intimate relationship, it should be for love."

"Well, I'm... glad you married John - Stepfather," Katherine said. "It was love."

"Dear, it's time to go before you're late," Emma said quickly. She walked into the dining room where Katherine's lunch was. "Here's your lunch. Have your coat?"

"Right here," Katherine responded as she was putting it on.

"Good," Emma said. She placed a kiss on Katherine's head. "Know I love you."

"I love you, too," Katherine said.

Katherine went down her usual path but hadn't seen Diana anywhere. She assumed she was already at the school. As she was walking, she spotted a tall, muscular young boy. Katherine then hated how she believed them to be muscular when she realized it was Billy Andrews and in front of him was Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.

"Hey, Billy!" a voice called from behind Katherine.

Billy had stopped in his tracks. Katherine turned around and saw a familiar face. The boy wore a sweater and a scarf around his neck. His dark, curly hair was hidden underneath a hat.

Gilbert Blythe was the most popular boy at the school. He had good looks and a smart brain. Now, he was saving someone from being bullied.

Thomas Flint had been friends with Gilbert Blythe for some time. Thomas had heard he came back from Alberta and walked to school with him. Now, Thomas stood in front of Katherine in case things got ugly.

"How's it going?"

"Hey, Gilbert," Billy said innocently, turning to him. He glanced at the other boy. "Thomas."

"Billy," Thomas acknowledged.

"Man, it's, um, it's good to be back," said Gilbert.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, welcome back," Billy replied, acting like whatever was happening didn't happen.

Gilbert shook his hand and said, "Yeah, good to see you, buddy. So you guys, uh, playing a game or something, right?" He glanced at Anne, then to Katherine. "Looks fun, but we should probably get to school, eh? Hate to be tardy. Mr. Phillips sure gets his dander up about that."

"Yeah, I was just about to get going. See you there." He looked at Anne, then walked away.

Thomas had been glaring at him and so had Katherine. She was quite surprised when people would say they had a crush on Billy Andrews. His personality was a turn-off.

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