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KATHERINE RAN OUT OF THE ROOM TO FIND THOMAS. She searched the ballroom, then the corridors, and the rooms. At last, she found him in a dimly lit corridor, the furthest away from the party. As she walked closer to him, she heard him crying.

"Thomas," Katherine called softly. He wiped his eyes and looked at her. "Tommy, why are you crying?"

Katherine sat beside him, putting her hand on his back. Thomas was about to speak but stayed silent. He sighed, looking down at his hands. Then, Katherine held his hand and she was confused once he pulled away.

"Don't give me any mixed signals I'd misunderstand," Thomas said in a cold tone.

"Thomas, I – I don't mean to," Katherine said. "Are worried Gilbert and I might become more than just friends?"

Thomas heaved another sigh.

"It won't happen," Katherine told him. "I mean it, Tommy. Even if he did like me... I don't think it'd go anywhere."

"Why not?" Thomas asked. "You like him."

"But... I like you, too," Katherine confessed. Thomas looked up at her. "I like you, Thomas, and I think those feelings have grown... but I can't like you and Gilbert at the same time," Katherine explained. "I can't be with someone but feel something for another... Not like my parents — like John... "

"Oh, Katie... "

"I thought Gilbert was gone for good, but then he came back. I have to figure it out by myself, but I hate that I'm making you wait," Katherine went on. "You're suffering all alone and I'm sorry."

"Katherine, you know I'll always wait for you," Thomas said with a small smile, taking her hand. "And I'll always be by your side."

Katherine smiled. "Thank you."


"Apples, peaches, cherries... butter, salt, and pepper," Katherine listed, reading the shopping list. She opened the door to the store, greeting the man inside.

"Hello," he said. "Shouldn't you be in school, girl?"

"Yes, but my mother wanted me to get some ingredients," Katherine explained. She looked near the fruits. "Do you sell any peaches here?"

He shook his head saying, "No, but a shipment should come in by tomorrow afternoon."

"I see... I just need these then," Katherine said, setting her list down. "I'll find the fruits on my own."

"Salt, pepper, and butter," he read from the list. "Just a moment."

"Thank you," Katherine smiled as he turned around to the shelves behind him.

She walked around the fruit stand, picking out the fruits and setting them in a basket. Katherine, humming a tune, hadn't noticed that another man had come inside.

"Hello," he said. "Good morning, sir. Tooth trouble. Actually, it's gum trouble causing the tooth trouble. I was hoping for some coconut water. My mum used to give it to me as a kind of healing. Maybe a trade ship came in with some huang lian. It's Chinese."

"I have no idea what you're saying," the manager said to him, displeased.

The customer sighed. "You don't like me." He took out coins from his pockets and placed them on the counter. Katherine looked up from the noise. "But I see you like money. Just sell me some salt to gargle with."

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now