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THOMAS FLINT WAS ANXIOUS. Ever since the fight, things went downhill for him. One: he was beaten up, sporting many bruises and a cut lip. Two: he upset Katherine. Three: Gilbert Blythe wasn't in Avonlea. And four: Since Gilbert wasn't in Avonlea, Thomas couldn't ask for advice, not that Thomas believed Gilbert had any good ones.

"Go home, Andrews," Thomas told him.

"She came up to me first, Flint," Billy said, pushing Katherine aside. "You got a problem with me, then say so. Don't have your little girlfriend coming up to me."

"I'm not his girlfriend," Katherine told him, furious.

"You want to try to settle the score, Flint?" Billy taunted. "Come on. Hit me."

"Thomas, don't," Katherine warned.

"I just wanted to say have a good day," Thomas said through gritted teeth.

Billy smirked and chuckled. He started walking away and said, "What a pussy."

Thomas then grabbed Billy's shoulder, spinning him around, then punched him in the jaw. Billy stumbled and tripped.

"What's going on here?!" asked a stern Mr. Phillips. "Billy?"

"Nothing, sir," said Billy, watching Thomas. "Just playing and I tripped."

"Get home, all of you," Mr. Phillips dismissed. "Now!"

"Sorry," Katherine apologized as Jane left her side.

"Why should you be the one to apologize?" asked Thomas, still angry.

"It's called being polite," Katherine told him. "You didn't have to hit him. I was handling it."

"I know," said Thomas, looking down.

"Then why'd you intrude?" Katherine inquired, crossing her arms.

"Because you're too... " He sighed in frustration.

"Please, go on with what you were going to say," Katherine said angrily. "I'd love to hear it. Am I not intimidating enough? Am I not someone who you take seriously, therefore, no one sees me as someone to take seriously?"

"You don't do confrontation," Thomas responded loudly. "And the reason that is is that you're afraid."

Katherine scoffed. "I'm not afraid."

Thomas sighed, taking a moment, then said, "Did you think after confronting Billy, he'd just change?"

"Thomas, you said people like me - well-known people - could use our voice," Katherine told him. "But you've got it all wrong, Thomas."

Thomas stared at her expectantly and dispirited. He didn't want another fight.

"It is the men whose voices only matter. It is the men who decide and it is the men who make the decisions, whether they are poor or not. Most women are raised to become... accessories to men. They have no say.

"But you were right. Anne isn't afraid to speak her mind whereas I have to stay silent... It's just how it works. But today, I tried getting Billy to apologize for what he did to you. But you come in and made everything worse. I tried to use my voice, but it didn't matter.

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