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"TURNER!" Katherine looked to the front at Mr. Phillip's. "The Atlantic Maritimes!"

From the right side of the room, Thomas had been watching Katherine. As Anne sat down, Katherine stood up.

"Could you, um, repeat the question, please?" Katherine requested.

"Which provinces comprise of the Atlantic Maritimes?" he said, annoyed.

"Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and... "

"You better start paying attention, young lady. This is not like you," Mr. Phillips said sternly. "See me after school."

After school ended, Katherine walked into Mr. Phillip's office. He walked in, taking his jacket off, and set it on his coat hanger. He looked at her with a serious expression.

"You need to start paying attention to your teacher in class," he told her.

"Yes, sir," she replied.

"I will not tolerate daydreaming students. Next time, you will be severely punished." Katherine nodded and he sighed. "You are dismissed."

"What was that about?" Thomas asked Katherine as she walked out.

"Just that I can't daydream in class," she said. "But I wasn't daydreaming, I was thinking."

"So... pay attention in class is what he means," Thomas said.

He was going to say something else, but as they reached the parlor, Gilbert was speaking, saying, "Nice boys never say people eat insects."

Thomas noticed as Katherine was looking at him as she put on her coat.

"I beg your pardon?" Diana questioned, turning to him.

"It's a mnemonic device," Gilbert explained, pulling on his red coat. "It helps you remember things, right? That's, uh, the Maritimes. Nova Scotia, PEI... " Gilbert looked at Katherine, then she looked away. "The one you forgot, Katie - New Brunswick. Nice boys- "

"Diana, could you please tell Gilbert Blythe that I don't need his help?" Anne snapped turning to Diana.

"Why don't you just tell me yourself?" Gilbert asked. "I'm right here."

"I suppose I just did," Anne remarked, turning away from him.

"Mnemonic is spelled with an 'M'," Gilbert went on. "Not that you need my help or anything. Have a good weekend."

"You, too!" Diana said, smiling.

"Coming, Thomas?" Gilbert asked.

"I'm gonna walk Katherine home," Thomas declined. "I'll see you later."

Gilbert glanced at Katherine who put her scarf on, then said, "All right."

Katherine and Thomas started down the trail to the Turner home. It started quiet, slightly awkward, and then Katherine spoke.

"You didn't have to walk me," she said.

"It's all right," Thomas assured. "I wanted to... You seemed off in class. I'm one of your best mates, Kate. What happened? Is it your family?"

"There was just tension this morning," Katherine told him. "They might've fought again. You know, sometimes it's like they hate each other."

"Do you think they married for love?" Thomas asked.

"Well, why wouldn't they?" Katherine asked.

"Well, your grandfather pushed them together, didn't he?" Thomas asked.

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now