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KATHERINE TURNER'S INJURY HAD FINALLY HEALED, BUT SHE WAS TOO AFRAID TO PAINT AGAIN. Some days she would stare at the empty canvas with a paintbrush in her hand, however, no color was put on the surface. If it wasn't for Billy's ego, none of it wouldn't have happened.

Katherine was in school, practicing her writing. Holding a pencil, paintbrush, or pen had started to feel unfamiliar to her. She knew she didn't have it worse though. She knew Cole was struggling too after breaking his wrist.

"I'm sure you'll be back to normal in no time," Anne comforted. "You haven't used your hand in months. It'll take a while to get used to the feeling."

Katherine smiled. "Thank you, Anne."

"This is what you want to be doing for the rest of your life, isn't it?" she asked.

Katherine thought for a moment, then said, "Maybe. But I'm sure my stepfather will have other plans... And I believe my mother will want me to go to a finishing school with Diana."

"You don't seem very excited," Anne noted.

Katherine feigned a smile. "It's not ideal but I can't do anything about it."

"You have so many talents, Kitty," Anne complimented. "You can paint, sing, write, and you're smarter than what people believe. You have money. You could go anywhere and do anything."

Katherine sighed. "As fun as that sounds, it's just not how it works, Anne."

"Why is that?" she queried. "It's your life. You should choose how you want to spend it."

Katherine smiled at her friend. "It's just how it works. You do it for the good of the family."

"Adults don't always know what's good," Anne responded. "I mean, look at how many people were fooled by the gold. Kitty, you could do so much. I hope you pursue your desires."

"It could also be an opportunity to prove wrong all those who think you don't care all that much about your teaching." Katherine looked at the front as Gilbert had been talking to Mr. Phillips. "I'm only asking for a small portion of your time, sir."

"Is that all?" Mr. Phillips remarked, grimacing. "Tell me, should your father simply give his crops away because someone wants them? Feels he deserves them? Hmm? Hmm? He should not. Time is money, Mr. Blythe."

"My father is dead, sir."

"Yes... well, the metaphor still plays," Mr. Phillips said.

Katherine watched him return to his seat. He was glaring at Mr. Phillips and Katherine looked at Thomas as he tried to console him.

Katherine sighed. "Thomas is a great guy... " she thought.

Diana came into her view and she sat beside Anne as she said, "Where were you? We waited."

"Father has a cold," Diana informed. "We're not going to Aunt Josephine's party either."

"What? But- "

"All right, bright little minds," Mr. Phillips said, interrupting their conversation. Katherine turned around in her seat. "Let's pick up from where we last left off."


"Could I ask you a favor, Katie?" asked Gilbert on her way outside.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I asked Mr. Phillips if he could help me catch up," Gilbert explained. "I've chosen my vocation, you see."

"Have you?" asked Katherine.

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now