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KATHERINE COULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT SHE HAD SAID. She may have liked Gilbert Blythe. Katherine began painting in the drawing-room, hoping that she could calm herself with it. Instead of calming her mind, however, she began to think of all the signs that indicated she had taken a liking to the boy.

First, the time they met again. It was in the woods. Katherine had seen them and he went to stop Billy from bullying Anne for Katherine. Thinking back, Katherine found Gilbert in a chivalrous state.

Then, it was the passing of the note in class. In a sense, Katherine had enjoyed it. It was like Gilbert had finally taken an interest in her. Whether he had bothered Anne that day in spite or he actually wanted to get Anne's attention, Katherine was noticed.

The fire was when Katherine knew it must have happened. The way he was at the front lines to help stop it. The way he pulled her away from harm's way.

Katherine knew he had a handsome face. Everyone knew that. And his smirk just made her want to get rid of it. But Katherine also noticed his brilliant mind. He was studious, yet always took care of his friends and father.

Katherine remembered the time when Billy Andrews had been beating the girls down when they went to give baked goods to the men for their hard work. Katherine remembered how Gilbert helped Ruby when Billy made fun of them.

Then, the she realized feeling she had felt earlier. It was jealousy. The way Gilbert looked at Anne, the way they linked together on an academic wavelength.

"Oh, God... "

Katherine stared at her painting for a moment. It looked terrible. There were colors of green, red, and black. It was chaos. Katherine was jealous of Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. She realized it now. And the reason was that the truth was Gilbert Blythe took an interest in her.

"Katie!" yelled someone from outside. "Katherine!"

Katherine opened the door of her room to the porch. Below, she saw Gilbert holding a stumbling Thomas. Katherine quickly ran downstairs and opened the door, hurrying to get him help.

"Oh, Tommy, what happened?" asked Katherine as Gilbert set him in the living room on a chair.

Katherine saw his face now. There was a terrible bruise forming around his eye and cheekbone. His lip was bleeding and he seemed to have had body aches.

"Billy Andrews," said Gilbert, looking at his friend. "It's my fault. I struck first."

"Oh, don't say that," Katherine told him. "Billy has always been a half-wit, ignoramus, arrogant jerk. I'm sure there was a reason for you hitting him."

"This stupid ass," Thomas muttered, pointing at Gilbert.

"Why bring him here though?" Katherine asked. "Why not home?"

"His parents are in Charlottetown for the day," Gilbert explained. "He requested I bring him here. Now that I have, I should go bring this back now... "

"Thanks for, um, bringing him," Katherine smiled. "I'll see you later."

As Gilbert left, Katherine got a cloth and water. She came back to Thomas and helped him sit straighter. Then, she started wiping the blood from his mouth and lip.

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now