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THOMAS KNOCKED ON THE DOOR OF THE BLYTHE'S HOME. He waited excitedly to see his best friend... But there was a feeling deep inside him he tried to force down.

When the door opened, he was met with an unfamiliar face. He had dark skin and black hair with a beard and mustache. "How can I help you, young man?"

"I'm looking for Gilbert Blythe," he explained.

"Ah! You must be Thomas Flint, yes?" He nodded in response. "Please, please, come in. Gilbert! Your friend is here to see you!"

"Thomas," Gilbert greeted, bringing him into a hug. "It's so good to see you, man."

"So great to have you back," Thomas replied, his tone was displeasing, though no one caught it.

"This is Sebastian Lacroix," Gilbert introduced. "I met him on the steamship during my travels."

"Nice to meet you, Sebastian," Thomas said, shaking his hand.

"Please, call me Bash," he said. "I'll take my leave. Let you catch up."

"So, how's it been?" Gilbert asked as they sat at the table. "I hear Avonlea has gotten a bit... depressed after the fraud."

"Yeah, no gold in Avonlea," Thomas confirmed. "Many people, especially the Barrys and Turners lost a lot."

"So it says in this article," Gilbert said, taking out the paper. "You wouldn't happen to know who wrote it, would you? Swan?" Thomas shook his head and Gilbert chuckled as he put it away. "I know how you write, Tommy. This is very much like your style. Besides, the first story you've ever written was about a swan. Why would you hide it? People would love to recruit you."

"I like a bit of a mystery," Thomas said. "Besides, if I am going to continue this endeavor - write about controversial topics - I don't want to get bashed for it. These days, 'children' like us don't get our say. So the only people who know about it are you, me, my boss, and Katherine."

Gilbert sat up straighter. "Katherine?"

"Yeah, she's been helping me with this," Thomas explained. "We've spent more time together. Certainly filled my days of boredom."

"And how is her family?" he asked. "You said they were one family who was hit hard."

"They're fine now, of course," Thomas said. "Probably richer than the Barrys now. Why are you so interested?"

"Can't I wonder about my friend's little crush?" Gilbert teased. Thomas started to blush, thinking about the kiss. "Did something happen while I was away?"

"Josie Pye and Billy Andrews made us do this stupid game," Thomas said in a quiet voice. "We were supposed to spin the bottle and kiss whoever it landed on... Katherine and I had to kiss."

Gilbert raised his eyebrows, amused. "And?"

"And I stupidly confessed," Thomas groaned. "So I don't know what I'm supposed to do. It's freaking awkward. And when I try to sleep at night, I'm reminded of my stupidity and - and foolishness. Because there is no way she would like me back because she doesn't like me, she likes you, and I knew that. Oh, God... "

"She likes me?" Gilbert questioned.

"Everybody likes you," Thomas muttered. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Gilbert carefully. "Do you like her?"

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now