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"RIGHT," Katherine thought. "They should be together. You move on."

"There's no gold," Anne told him.

"Yes, I know," Gilbert replied. "That's not why I'm here. It's really good to see you."

The door to the teacher's office opened. "Open your readers to page twenty." Katherine took her seat. "It appears we have a new boy in class today. Are you sure you're sitting in the right place, young man?"

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching us?" Katherine said, unintentionally speaking aloud.

"What was that?" Mr. Phillips said sternly.

Katherine was in deep trouble, however, she knew she couldn't turn back.

"You're supposed to be teaching and encouraging us," Katherine said, looking up at him. "Not harassing your students. You are supposed to be a role model. The only thing you're teaching us is to be a bully... Billy Andrews has certainly learned from you."

"Ms. Turner," he said in a warning tone. All eyes stared at her.

"And why should it matter whether a girl sits with the boys and a boy sits with the girls?" Katherine continued. "What is so wrong with that?"

"Ms. Turner, I expect you in my office after school," he said. "I will no longer be generous."

"I never asked you to," Katherine mumbled.


"Are you all right?" Thomas asked as she walked out of the school building.

"I, um, should probably keep my mouth shut," Katherine said and sniffled.

"Was he that harsh, Katie?" Thomas said softly, wiping her tears.

Katherine gave a small gesture to her hand. Thomas noticed and took her right hand. He flipped it palm up and saw the red blood.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked. "Can he even do that to you? Do you want me to beat him up?"

"Beat up Mr. Phillips?" Katherine debated it. "Yes. But it'll only get you in trouble. It's fine."

"Your parents will be mortified," Thomas said.

"I can fix it up," Gilbert offered. "If you want."

Katherine smiled gratefully. "Oh, please. Thank you."

Thomas held her things on the way to Gilbert's house. The good thing was that the air was cold, soothing the sting in Katherine's hand. She and Thomas followed behind Gilbert as he led the way across the land filled with snow and up to the porch of the house.

Once inside, Gilbert saw his friend cuddled up inside a thick blanket as he sat beside the fireplace.

"I warned you about the winters here," Gilbert said

"Nah, not like this, Blythe," he replied. "Not like this. The sun isn't even real. It don't give you no heat, no... warmth, no nothing. It just shine on you like some far away lantern in the sky."

"Thanks," Katherine said to Thomas who helped her take off her coat.

"Who are you?" he asked. "Is this the Anne you were talking about?"

Gilbert chuckled nervously. "Bash, this is Katherine Turner. Katherine, this is Sebastian."

"Very pleased to make your acquaintance," Katherine smiled. "I'd shake your hand but... "

"I'll get the supplies," Gilbert said. "And how about a robe, Bash?"

"Yes, please," Bash replied. "I could barely feel my fingers out there."

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now