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GILBERT TOOK A SEAT ACROSS FROM JOHN TURNER IN HIS STUDY. Gilbert watched as he poured the two a drink. He was confused, wondering why Katherine's father asked to speak with him.

"How are you these days?" he asked. "I have heard you traveled overseas."

"Yes, sir," Gilbert responded. "I was able to gain experience by working on the steamship."

"You know, your father and I were quite close in our school days," John said and set his cup down. "I was very sorry to hear about his passing."

"Thank you, sir," said Gilbert.

"What will you do with the land?" John asked. "Will you still be tending it?"

"I wish to study, but I believe my friend will be taking care of it," Gilbert said. "I'm hoping to go to medical school. That's a reason I came here actually. Your daughter was going to help me catch up on the work I've missed."

"Mr. Phillips will not offer help?" John questioned.

Gilbert shook his head. "I asked, but he refused."

John scoffed. "That man is not an educator if he does not wish for a student's success. When I was younger, our teacher always supported us. You know, I am well acquainted with Dr. Ward from Charlottetown. I could put in a good word, maybe he'll make you an assistant if you'd like."

"Are you serious?" Gilbert asked happily. "It would be an honor."

"Of course... " said John and Gilbert raised his eyebrows. "I have to ask of something from you, Mr. Blythe. It won't be too big a deal for you."

"What is it, sir?" Gilbert asked and was taken by surprise by his request.


"Oh, my!" Diana exclaimed, watching as Katherine walked out from the divider. "Well, well, well... don't we have a princess in our midst?"

Katherine wore a wine purple velvet dress with a floral black lace fabric over it. It had puffed sleeves and a dark red bow around her waist. Her hair was styled into a half-up half-down updo with braids, tied with a small ribbon.

Katherine smiled at her friend saying, "If anyone's a princess, it's you, Diane."

Diane curtseyed in her gown. She wore a yellow dress with floral designs and blue satin frills. As Diane had curtseyed, Anne came inside the room in her gown carrying flower crowns.

"These look lovely with our dresses!" Anne exclaimed happily. "Oh! I can't wait to see all the people and the music! And the dancing! We must dance!"

"I've spent years going to parties and fancy events," Katherine said in awe. "You'd think one would get used to it. It's so beautiful."

The girls had gone out of their room and to the ballroom. The column was covered with flowers that cascaded to the floor. There were a few chairs near the piano and many people were in deep conversation with each other, laughing.

"I can name one thing that is more beautiful than this room," said Thomas, who approached the girls with Cole. "You all look lovely."

"Why thank you, Thomas," Anne beamed.

Not long after their arrival, the piano sounded. Everyone was attracted to the sweet melody, each one getting lost in the music, swaying their bodies along to it. The pianist's hands moved quickly and softly.

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