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"I'M BORED," Minnie May whined. "When do we get to be there?"

Katherine was accompanying the Barrys to Charlottetown. They rode the carriage to the train station, picking up Anne Shirley-Cuthbert from Green Gables along the way.

"Mr. Barry," Anne spoke. "I know it's indecorous to ask about financial matters, but I'm so curious about this gold business."

"Well, what would you like to know?" he asked and his wife looked at him, displeased.

"Where to start?!" Anne exclaimed. "Well, I'm bewitched by this notion of how money moves from country to country. It seems like magic."

"I can see how you'd perceive it that way," he responded.

"Minnie May!" Mrs. Barry scolded as her daughter had been playing with her doll. "Please be careful."

"So your money travels from England to Charlottetown?" Anne asked.

"It's like a telegram, but with cash instead of words," Mr. Barry explained.

"You must be receiving a substantial amount since you're not only testing your soil for gold, but you're also- "

"They'll be enough for many, many Avonlea families to test the value of their land," Mr. Barry said. "I believe a rising tide should lift all boats."

"Then you'll be distributing the amount to those in town who want their soil tested?" Katherine questioned.

"The money goes to Nathaniel," Mr. Barry informed. "He collects it directly in order to expedite the process for everyone."

"Mr. Barry doesn't usually discuss our finances," Mrs. Barry spoke, looking at him. "Today's your lucky day, Anne."

Minnie May had kicked Diana who sat across from her. Diana scowled at her, rubbing the place she had been kicked.

"Minnie May, please be respectful of where everyone is sitting," she scolded. "Know your place."

"Sorry, Mother," Minnie May said mockingly. Minnie May then stuck her tongue out at her sister.


After the train ride to Charlottetown, the Barrys and their guests arrived at Diana's Aunt Josephine's. The house was large with two stories and an attic-like room. There were many windows and two bay windows at the front. Inside, it was spacious, the lights dimmed, but bright.

"Thank you for helping me send this, Rollings," Anne thanked, taking an envelope from him.

"Official-looking correspondence," he responded.

"It was important to me that the form of the letter match its contents," Anne said, walking to the table. "This could be life-changing for Gilbert."

"Well, Rollings will investigate the boy's whereabouts, won't you, Rollings?" Josephine said.

"I've said I would, yes," he replied, pouring her another glass.

"If he is indeed on a steamship, it shouldn't be too much trouble to discover which one and where it will dock next," Josephine went on.

"I may need to spread a few coins in the process," Rollings informed as if asking permission.

"Yes, yes, grease whatever palms you need to," she said.

"Ah, to think that my words will be sent across an ocean, delivering news of gold!" Anne exclaimed and giggled.

"Is that the gold certificate?" asked Mr. Barry, looking away from the fireplace. "Did Nathaniel want me to have it for my banking transaction? Hmm?"

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