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A NEW TEACHER; ONE THAT KATHERINE HOPED WOULD ACTUALLY LIKE TEACHING. Mr. Phillips was gone from Prince Edward Island at last. Katherine was glad, though she felt sad for him, too. Just a little bit. There was nothing more embarrassing than being left standing at the altar on the wedding day. But Katherine was glad Prissy was all right. She was free to do whatever she pleased. Her husband didn't have to dictate everything she did. So, with Mr. Phillips gone, a new teacher was set to take his place.

"My mother was talking to Mrs. Pye," said Katherine to Diana and Anne. "She said the PMSC felt that Miss Stacy is probably unsuitable."

"But she rides a motorbike!" said Anne excitedly. "Miss Stacy seems modern and thrilling!"

"I heard she's a spinster," said Tille as they set their things down.

"I heard she's from the mainland," said Ruby.

"Why would an unmarried woman from the big city come here?" Josie said. "There's a scandal somewhere, you'll see. Mother hated Miss Stacy on sight."

"So did mine," Prissy said. "Here's a recipe for disaster: show up an hour late... "

"Dressed like a man," Jane said with a laugh.

"To tea with the Progressive Mothers," Prissy finished. "She may as well have hung a noose around her neck."

"Don't disparage her when you don't even know her," Anne defended. "I think she sounds spectacular."

"As long as she can teach, I don't care if she shows up covered in soot," said Katherine, taking her seat.

"I'm going to help pave the way for Miss Stacy," said Anne. "I know just how it is to be new and judged harshly."

"That fox is gonna be dead meat," said Billy Andrews, walking inside. "I think I'll make it into a hat."

"Fox? What fox?" asked Anne.

"The one with the dark tail that's been stealing chickens," Moody replied.

"Well, there's no fox here so how's about you put the gun away," said Gilbert. "I'd like to live to meet the new teacher."

Just as he finished that sentence, the door opened. She came in, he hat loose on her head, carrying two heavy bags. The globe rolled on the ground, landing in front of Billy.

"I just laid the world at your feet, didn't I?" she said. "Good morning, everyone."

Billy picked up the globe, setting it back on her bag. "Here you go, little lady."

"My name is Miss Stacy," she introduced. "Please take that gun outside. The classroom is no place for a weapon."

"Sure," said Billy. "I was just about to do that."

"I've never seen him so polite before," Katherine whispered to Ruby beside her.

"What a pretty room! So many windows. I love to see green." She set her things down on the floor near her desk. "All right, let's get to know each other. Please stand up." Slowly, everyone got to their feet. "Now, please move all the desks to the side and take a seat on the floor."

"The floor?" Josie questioned. Everyone was shocked by her request.

"We're going to form a circle and make introductions," Miss Stacy explained.

Anne was the first to move. Katherine and Ruby lifted their desk, pushing it against the wall. Once all the desks were moved, they all took a seat. Katherine was called over by Thomas, but she pretended not to hear. She sat beside Ruby, then to her dismay, Gilbert took a seat beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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