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GILBERT BLYTHE GLANCED AT KATHERINE TURNER, THEN BACK AT HIS PIECE OF PAPER. Gilbert then crushed it in his hands and looked towards Mr. Phillips. The crumpled piece of parchment was thrown at Katherine. Thomas watched, nudged Gilbert, who ignored him.

Katherine looked down at it and her eyes looked up at Gilbert who was in the row in front of her. She looked back down, trying to focus on the task given by the strict Mr. Phillips. A pencil dropped to her feet. It was the pen that she had lent to Gilbert a while back.

"At least he gave it back," thought Katherine.

She picked it up wrote on a piece of paper. She crumpled it up, then eyed Mr. Phillips, then tossed it at Gilbert.

He opened it and read: Though I said not to bother Anne, that didn't mean you could bother me. Gilbert snickered.

Later in the hour, Gilbert had begun trying to get Anne's attention. The last act he did was grab his apple from his desk, beginning to stand up.

Katherine saw he was doing it in spite of her. She then realized Gilbert was challenging her. He placed an apple on Anne's desk. He bent down and picked up whatever he dropped. He muttered a few words then pulled her braided hair, calling her Carrots.

"I'm not talking to you!" Anne yelled.

Anne stood, turned, and her slate hit Gilbert's face. No one spoke, no one breathed. They were staring wide-eyed at Anne's words and actions. Katherine glanced at Thomas, who was just as shocked.

"Shirley!" Mr. Phillips shouted. "Get up here! Now! What a vicious display! Is this what they taught you in that orphanage? Unacceptable!"

"Anne Shirley has a very bad temper." Mr. Phillips wrote the phrase in cursive. "Now, stand here and stay put. And the rest of you, pipe down!! Let this serve as a lesson to you that we do not tolerate such displays of temper here in a civilized society."

"It was my fault, sir," Gilbert defended. "I, uh, I teased her."

"Quiet, Blythe," Mr. Phillips said. "That is hardly an excuse. Quiet, all of you, and return to your lesson."

Anne had stood up and begun walking outside. Mr. Phillips was calling after her, but it appeared as though Anne wasn't listening or didn't hear him at all. Then, she ran.

"Great going," Thomas said to Gilbert as they started the walk home. "Now, you've got two girls that hate you."

"I didn't mean for anything to happen," Gilbert defended. "I don't even know why I can't talk to her."

"Long story," Thomas answered. "In short, people have crushes on you, Gil. People get jealous."

"Like you?" Gilbert teased. "Why'd you elbow me when Katie and I were passing notes?"

Thomas laughed aloud. "Are you suggesting? Me? Like Katie." Gilbert nodded. "Pfft, yeah right. Besides, Mr. Phillips was probably gonna catch you, that's why."

Days passed and the school was quiet with Anne Shirley-Cuthbert absent from school. No one cared for her absence except for Katherine and Diana, who felt worried, Gilbert, who felt responsible, and Thomas, who didn't like to see Katherine worrying over Anne.

One day, Diana and Katherine together decided to bring Anne's books and slate to her home and to check up on her. Ruby had also come with.

"If my mother and stepfather knew I was visiting... " Katherine trailed off and shuddered. Big consequences.

They entered through their gate and walked up to the house. It was painted a pure white with green window frames and doors. They walked past an old barn, then a young boy wearing colors of the earth.

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