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MONTHS WENT BY. Since Christmas of 1896, everyone soon learned that Gilbert Blythe had left Prince Edward Island. He was traveling by steamboat. Doing what? Katherine hadn't a clue. All she knew was that she wished Gilbert Blythe came back. She wasn't the only one.

During one day at Story Club, the girls had been sharing their stories. Katherine's story was still in progress as it was one continuous story. Diana's was always interesting, Anne's well-written and imaginative. Ruby's had a common denominator - her character always had a similar name to a boy in real life.

"So just write another Bert story," Diana told Ruby.

"Another Bert story?" Ruby questioned.

"You always write a version of the same thing," Diana reasoned.

"No, I don't!" Ruby defended.

"About a dashing hero named Albert, Herbert, Rupert, Pilpert- "

Ruby cut Katherine off. "Pilpert?! That's ridiculous. I would never write a story about a boy named Pilpert."

"It's not like we can't tell- " Diana said, only to have Ruby's voice over hers.

"Well... you always murder everyone, you can't figure out what to do with your characters."

"- are about Gilbert."

"No, they're not!" Ruby whined. "How else am I supposed to deal with the fact that he's been gone for eight months and three days and he may never come back?!"

Diana sighed in exasperation and looked to the redhead across from her. "Anne, please take your nose out of that book and help me here."

"How about... a tragical tale of a sad and handsome scientist who one day stumbles upon a secret that could save the world?" Anne suggested.

"Oh, Anne! However do you think of such amazing things all the time?" Diana complimented.

"I draw from life, Diana," Anne responded. "I draw from life."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Diana exclaimed happily. "I've had a letter from Aunt Josephine! She's very keen to read some of our stories! Let's only send her our very best."

"Well, then, we should send her all of Anne's," Ruby said. "And Kate's series."

"Let's send her one each," Anne said. "To be fair."

"You don't mind if I send one of Thomas's, do you?" Katherine asked, taking her stack of stories.

"He writes?" Anne questioned.

"Yeah," Katherine nodded. "His stories are quite interesting. He has plans to write in the newspaper... hopefully."

"Ooo," Diana started to tease. "A future journalist? I don't understand how he's your best friend, but you don't like him."

"You can be friends with someone that's the opposite gender of you, isn't that right, Anne?" Katherine asked, looking to Anne.

"Oh, yes," Anne nodded. "I'm friends with Jerry, but we don't like each other that way at all."

"I'm just saying," Diana said with a smile. "You should see how he looks at you the next time he comes by."

"How - how does he look at m-me?" Katherine asked, nervous.

Diana and Ruby laughed seeing her awkward and nervous reaction.

"You don't know?" Diana said, smiling ear to ear. "He never breaks eye contact and his eyes twinkle when he looks at you in class or whenever he calls your name."

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now