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"Let's talk about it, Katie," he said.

After Anne had left the school in a rush, due to Billy and Josie's comments, the others had slowly dispersed. Thomas, not being able to contain his feelings to himself any longer, couldn't let it go. After all, it was his first kiss from a female other than his mother.

"Why when there is nothing to talk about?" Katherine replied.

For reasons Katherine couldn't fathom, she had felt nervous around Thomas recently. Perhaps it was their glances at each other during class or the way Katherine started noticing new habits of his, but she always found her palms beginning to sweat.

"Katie... " Thomas had grabbed her wrist, then let go. "Sorry."

"It's fine," she dismissed. "I already said it didn't have to mean- "

"It was my first kiss," Thomas said to cut her off. Katherine nodded slowly, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. It had been her first, too. "I know it may not mean anything to you, but what about me? I would have kept quiet, but I just couldn't anymore, especially after that."

"What are you talking about?" Katherine questioned.

"Katherine Mae Turner," he began. Katherine waited patiently. "I like you... like, a lot. And I know you like... "

Katherine stared at him, unsure what to do. Their friendship had a strong bond and she didn't want to ruin what they had. However, at that moment, Katherine realized that all those moments that they spent together were some of the best she had ever had. But then there were her unresolved feelings for the boy who was somewhere out in the world.


Katherine ran to the stream after seeing the boy who confessed his feelings. She was panicking, muttering words to herself. She took her time, hoping Thomas would head in first.

His confession kept her up all night with questions and thoughts about the future. She knew her crush was unrequited, but she wondered if Gilbert would ever come back. Katherine wanted to rid herself of fantasizing about Gilbert - a life beyond friends that she would never have with him. Reality pointed to Thomas, the one Katherine started to like maybe more than just a friend. She just didn't realize it yet.

Katherine picked up her things and headed to the door of the school. She froze, seeing Thomas reach for the handle.

Thomas cleared his throat as he opened the door. "After you, ma'am."

"Thanks," she said quickly.

Katherine went inside and set her things down in the parlor. Diana, who was about to welcome her, watched them. She sensed a lot of awkwardness around them. The two had gone to take their seats and bumped into each other on the way. They muttered quick apologies and Katherine sat beside Diana.

"Diana, what's the best way to die?" Katherine asked, putting her head in her hands.

"Old age," Diana replied and looked at Thomas who was writing. "What's going on with you and Thomas?"

"He said he like, likes me," Katherine responded in a murmur.

"That's great!" Diana beamed, then she noticed how dreadful her friend looked. "Right? Don't you like him, too? I mean, you were hanging out a lot during the summer, saw his family, visited Charlottetown. And come on, the way he looks at you is just adorable."

Unrequited// OC x Gilbert Blyth // OC x OCWhere stories live. Discover now