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There is a certain coffee shop that I love to go in Alaska

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There is a certain coffee shop that I love to go in Alaska. After my consultations I hail a cab to around 20 minutes east of Amber and it leads me into this tiny coffee shop called "Caffeine Madness." Contrary to its name it's quite a placid place painted with a comfortable beige with faded paintings shrouded by wallflowers that makes me feel like a warm cup of coffee.

It's a lovely little surprise seeing a fresh face here. Usually at this time there is an old man, the tired, middle aged barista, and a threesome of college students getting doped of coffee while finishing their assignments but never a young teenager who is looking directly at me.

They—I can't tell if the child is a boy or girl— is demanding my presence. They are sitting at the second floor of the cafe, at the exact corner and at the exact brown sofa that I always sit in. 

I find this androgynous person very interesting. They have short hair with the middle part exposed and is neatly cut into a straight line. Not one hair out of place which makes them even more prim and proper. They have an interesting sense of fashion,  the black polo shirt combined with beige slacks and black combat boots are certainly pull a dark twist in academia. 

From her smaller stature and the lack of an adam's apple, she's a girl. 

Her jet black eyes are sharp and jarring compared to the pastel paintings of warm coffee. They're eerily similar to Yunho's, when he was clean. The rectangular black glasses only amplifies her intensity.

"Hello Kim Hongjoong."

"Who are you?" How does she know my name?

"I'm an assistant writer. From you original editor, Lee Heesung. He got another offer to a more controversial story involving national news. So you'll be working with me now," a brown hand laced with green veins click on her ballpoint pen and the other hands it out towards me, "Sorry for the aloofness, my pen name is Hchu7889."

What an odd name. What kind of pen name includes numbers? Is this something cryptic of am I just stuck with another killing staking fangirl? Oh man what if my testimony is going to be screwed and the narrative might be corrupted by teenage angst.

Heesung is a professional fellow. Maybe he doesn't have a sharp sense of judgement though but let's see what this rookie's got. I mean, everyone deserves a chance.

"So, how much do you know?"

"Everything. Should I say it out loud—"

"Oh no no no. It's fine. Here, I've finished the rough draft of Trigger's Ending."

Trying to provoke me I see. But this tactic was used way too many times by Yeosang. 

Pursing her lips her focus is now targeted at the white documents I just handed to her. Will she gasp? Will she cry? Or will she just stare with a blank face. That's seems like the outcome since she seems pragmatic to me. But you can never guess with this enigma of a youthful journalist. 

"Fancy words....More lies again, well what did I expect....Oh my! He actually got shot! Amazing, San's character development is phenomenal, woah, did not expect that from Mingi hold on!" Like the curious child she is she eagerly skims through all the pages with her eyes holding a strange glint of excitement that makes me think of Mingi.

"I know, it's a lot to unravel, take you time," heck even I was shocked after that incident. But what came after was even more appalling...

After reading the final page she blinks, stays still, and looks up towards me with a small but satisfied smile. 

"Thank you for your submission. I'll return next week with the final draft. In the meanwhile  the Telegram series will be published."

"No thank you and also," now it was my turn to lean against her and whisper, "you do know what the contract says right?"

Her arrogant smirk and scoff tells me I'm a fool. She and Seonghwa both, having that snobby arrogant attitude towards the world, "Of course. It was in the job description. Keeping it confidential, only correcting grammar mistakes, and don't mess with the narrative."

"That's right. Just wanting to emphasize what's important. Do you have any questions, concerns?"

Seeing her fiddling with the ballpoint pen reminds me of the ever so antsy Wooyoung, "No."

"Really," just like Jongho, very obedient, quite taciturn,"most people your age are quite curious, they like to questions things and try to grasp the fundamentals of everything. When I was your age I was curious about my brother—"

"And look where it took you mister," she jeered while cocking an eyebrow. This girl doesn't have a motive, she just wants to taunt me. But for what reason?

If she really seeks my downfall then what kind of defense should I take? A lawyer? No that's too much, she's a minor who cannot wield any major threat to me. 


"My actions may mirror yours Mr. Kim," she stopped clicking her pen and induced silence that mirrored a calm before a calamity as if she was foreshadowing an impeding doom, "but our objectives are drastically different. Hence don't worry I won't try to edit the narrative."

she perceives this story at an entirely different angle thus holding a certain judgement towards me.

"So no need to worry Mr. Kim, I don't have to ask questions infact, there's no need. So don't worry Mr. Kim Hongjoong."

Yes I do need to worry. Your judgement is very distinct, just like mine.

"The raw narrative will naturally show the truth of you."

A/N: This really sucked but I just imagined a scene where I was actually part of this AU and how I'd be interacting with Hongjoong

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A/N: This really sucked but I just imagined a scene where I was actually part of this AU and how I'd be interacting with Hongjoong. And how Hongjoong would react to my pen name lol.

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