Guess the Member

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This is a special gift/celebration for all my readers! Thank you for coming this far!

All my chapters have been told in Hongjoong's POV so far, so I thought it would be cool to switch it up a bit and tell a spoiler through an anonymous character's POV ;)

Warning: This chapter contains spoilers 


I had taken strenuous measures to be in this place. I must not backfire at this instant.

The Juvenile detention was a playground you built and we were sick of playing in it. 

I hope your in there Jung, this flight ticket from Jeju to Seoul stole a good chunk of my paycheck. And precious hours of my scheduled vacation. The members think I'm with my wife and child, my wife thinks I'm with my members, so you better be grateful of my generosity.

Oh wow, what a grand palace you reside in. I will admit you've done well to build a digital empire. Even when surrounded with glazing skyscrapers seemingly scraping the stars, your headquarters give me the impression of a tower. Unlike the others it does not scrape for credibility like a mad dog but stands proud and preppy like the shameless capitalist slave you are. 

The way slabs of stained cyan glass are stacked reminds me of Jenga. Haha, I'm fucking mind blown cuz my expectations were raised to the skies but I guess it's my fault for not lowering my standards to that of a basement floor.

How blissful are you to establish an empire like this. Just like Jenga, one shot, one inconsiderate move, and the intricate assemblage of all your kingdoms crumble to rubble. 

The lobby's door resembles a merry go round, those doors where you push and rotate. These security guards are condescending, reeking of superiority. Somehow they are worse then the brainless prison guards back in Juvie.

The receptionist is also patronizing, having the impudence to demand one's intentions of arrival. So I did the normal thing: Smile and lie.

Hopefully she remains content as she lives in the illusion that I am an actual intern receiving an interview.

I feel glossy fingernails tapping my exposed skin. That sickly ill smile the receptionist wears unsettles me quite a bit. It's making me queasy now.

"Sir, can you please follow me?"

Of course I'm not gonna comply. 

"Sir, please follow me."

Ah I guess this gullible faced office worker is one of your spies. I'm technically at fault here since I now do finally recognize her face. Has anyone taught Mister Jung a penny about finances? Seems like a no. This illegal business conglomerate purchased a tower, lives on the top floor, and has low morals...and taste in women.

However, it pleases me that your anticipating me. Of course you'd think I would elevate using the elevator then you're wrong. I am willing to climb up exactly eighty one flights of stairs to stray away from security cameras.

Actually, I forfeit. Already worked out this morning and my energy battery is low.

So I'll just calmly shoot the receptionist and the security guards. 

Ma'am I need you kindly shut the fuck up. Oh, now not only are you imprudent but your head is full of bullshit. Has CEO Jung fucked your brains so hard that you are completely clueless that your sex tape has 'accidentally' leaked online to an unidentifiable chat server?

Fucking siren alarm, if I weren't a second late to our meeting I would have demolished that robot of a shrieking child into grains of plastic.

Along with shouts I hear the footsteps belonging to a colony of arrogant apes who knighted themselves 'the security team'. More like groupies than a polished team. Notice how I added apostrophes next to this hilarious title.

𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 (𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙)Where stories live. Discover now