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"By the way, how are your thoughts about our new therapist?"

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"By the way, how are your thoughts about our new therapist?"

I asked San as he's stargazing right before bed. Exhaustion left the rest of our men sound asleep. San was shirtless, attending his injured wound previously inflicted from this afternoon. 

The right hand was replacing the old bandages and replacing them with new ones, stolen from Mingi, and the left was fumbling with his necklace with the golden cross. Creases and pale skin in the midst of summer fashioned the look of fatigue. It gave him an exhausted look frozen in time as if he was a picture taken by a daguerreotype.

I think he was one of the last ones to receive a session.

"It was cool, I think he is very meticulous about his work," a half-smile reached his lips, "Overall, a sensible man that even the others would agree."

There was a straight line on his lips and new creases crept up his face, the ones I liked which were the dimples and wrinkled lines from a tight smile.

What is about Seonghwa that makes San so joyful? 

"How do you think Hongjoong?"

"Ah...I don't know how to describe it. He seemed really intimidating but I think it was due to the dim lighting and the confined room, it was the ambiance really."

"Oh, he did say about someone emitting animosity so he changed the location to our 'conference room' which is where the group as a whole first saw him."

"Yes, as if toys and plushies would really kill his bureaucrat vibe. That man kinda sus don't ya think?"

His arms linked over ours so we could smell the feathery fragrance of cigarettes. Yunho is half awake yet as irritable as ever. 

"Are you high?" Yunho turned his head towards San with most likely a condescending glare as I can tell from the arrogant frustration in his tone, "His entitlement is on par with Yeo, I swear Mister angry bird got some typa captain-save-a-hoe complex cuz man! He gave me a planar and month-long tracking plan for rehab! Like you can only be captain-save-a-hoe with Yeosang cuz he's the only hoe-"

A pillow hit his face along with a muffled, "I guess I'll report to boss about you stealing weed from work."

"Shut the fuck up Yeosang, go suck Woo's dick ya lil' simp."

Slang picked up fast in Jung Yunho's dictionary; till this day I still don't know what a simp is. 

Cringing at the gray fog of old cigarettes San replied, 

"You habitually indulge in serpent's venom and I think your judgments are clouded up high in the realm of ecstasy."

Yunho turns around to face me and gives me a 'what the fuck is up with this dude' look.

"Since when did he talk like Yeosang? Anyways I heard-"

"Alright alright, guys go back to sleep, we got a hard day ahead of us."

𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 (𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙)Where stories live. Discover now