
554 34 34

Edited 9/7/20



The sign was plastered on the center of the massive steel wall that enclosed the entire center; it's surface engulfed by miles and miles of barbed wire. Two guards, both armed with tasers, battens, and armed guns stood ferociously beside the entrance door.

Behind me were two highly skilled men while a uniformed man guided me in.

"Welcome to Alaska's only juvenile detention Dr. Kim. We apologize for our hospitality.  It's not the best but the best we can do."

"I assure you this is fine."

The man ushered me in. Once the gates were open I saw numerous guards, armed with the same gear as the ones seen before while hundreds of boys and girls played basketball in an outdoor court.

Some eyes followed me, giving menacing glares while others snickered with a roll in their eyes. The uniformed man who is also a captain of the police force, ushers me indoors into a small, rectangular room.

The bricks are painted a dull white, a desk with smooth edges stands in the middle of the room. I sit on one of the chairs, my trembling hands fidgeting the curved corners. All the furniture here has smooth edges so juveniles don't wield them as weapon. One might think it as overly vigilant however they underestimate the cleverness and ingenuity of teenagers.

"Mr. Kim, here is your patient's files. It holds his information such as background, criminal record, and behavior. If you have any questions feel free to ask."

I barely skim the first page but I can't seem to shake off the nostalgic feels too surreal to be dejavu though...

Then a boy comes in with cuffed hands, pretty tall, a very handsome Korean boy. His visuals remind me of an old friend back in my day. Again the feelings of nostalgia come in.

He looks at me and smiles before taking a seat.

In the room are me, the boy, and two guards. It feels a bit awkward but first meetings aren't always so smooth. I gather my paperwork and stare in front of the kid. Still I can't shake off that ingrained nostalgic feeling in the back of my head. I make sure the video camera is on and recording.

"Hi, I'm Mars Park. You're very handsome."

"Thank you Mars, I'm Dr. Kim however please address me as Hongjoong."

He's a very polite person, holds a cordial smile and a cocky demeanor. The way he speaks and his overall vibe is very superficially charming and it sends red flags.

"Hi ! What are you going to speak about today? About how I should be grateful to be fed and clothed? Or how improving my moral character leaves a more civilized and productive life?"

Ha, Seems like I wasn't the first one they tried.

"Well Mars, tell a little bit about yourself first."

"Well... you already have my files."

"But I want to see how you introduce yourself."

"Okay..." He sat quietly with a calm expression with a glint in his eyes that were impossible to decipher.

" I'm Mars Park, raised in Chicago, born in South Korea. I am 17 years old. I'm 5 foot and 10.587 inches. My favorite hobbies are reading and writing. My mother works as a prostitute; my father was shot and killed back in Korea. Mom and I grew up poor and I felt bad for her because she was getting beaten up by her abusive boyfriend so I tried to kill him and got into jail, he's still alive though. Not only my mother doesn't have to care for me anymore, I'm free of her abusive chains and I get free food, clothing, and shelter while not having a job. So right now it's fine."

Mars had a very nonchalant tone while showing no signs of regret or remorse. I understand where he comes from and he had a horrible background. With his environment, an American juvenile detention might be a better habitat because at least American juvenile detentions don't encourage psychological abuse.  However, as my profession, it's my duty to help criminals demolish their blasphemous character and rebuild them into a character that suits the civilized world "for the better". 

Mars's personality and character is virtually unknown for me in the present. It's going to be impossible to garner motivation but the best I can do is to give professional advice.

"Listen, prison isn't a fun place at all. There is no source of entertainment, it's a hell on Earth."

"I don't think so, it's quite okay actually."

My left eye twitched. Once. 

And anger splurged in me like a massive volcanic explosion. Suddenly my hands slammed the table, teeth gritted, staring dead in the eyes.

"The system isn't designed to help you! It creates a hostile jungle where humanity expresses in its most malicious forms. Why? Juveniles only care about power! The government designed a system where criminals become worse criminals. It tears down social lives into mental isolation, it destroys your moral compass! You see the real evil, greed, and fear even in the best of prisoners. Every man is for themselves; the strong demolish the weak. When the weak are trapped in a cycle of torture, the strong are trapped in a cycle of loneliness and all are locked in the cage of fear. Which friend might stab me today? Am I going to get caught? Will he be likely to steal my money? The chaos and greed will suck the humanity out of you!"

Slowly the anger subdued and cooled. The guards were giving a concerned expression while Mars only smiled. This was a stupid move, I should have controlled my feelings. Silence introduced the gloomy atmosphere. The guards were silent, prepared the tasers for god knows either Mars or me. I was silent, taking deep breaths to calm my inner emotions. Mars was silent; his expression difficult to identify.

He broke the silence, with a statement barely above a whisper,

"It's almost like... you've actually experienced it."


Suddenly his eyes lit up with a sparkling dangerous fire; his tone was calm enough, just enough to shoot his hidden bullets.

"But you've never been to jail right? Why are you so offended by my objection? So what gives you the right that you self proclaim yourself to know the prison environment? By psychology books? No textbook will show in that much detail in  how the juvenile system works does it?"

My lips slowly moved upward. I was definitely not in my position to tell him this. But maybe...maybe with the power of ethos, I can convince him. 

I motion the guards away. They seem skeptical but I convinced them it wouldn't be as dangerous. They slowly exited the door and stood right outside.

Now, only Mars and I occupy this space. He gives a tiny smirk while impatiently tapping his finger.

I took a deep breath.

"Your right. I was a former juvenile criminal."

Mars chuckled. To him, this whole thing to him was a game.

"Okay," if there was one emotion he felt, it was amusement, "Tell me about your story. Splendid performance by the way."

I sighed, I really don't know if I should tell him this. But this happened a long time ago and my feelings of it were mostly neutral; the terrifying events happen all too much in my profession. But if it helps him to stop criminal activity, this is the perfect story.

Mars' face held a smile, one of those half smiles where the right corner of his mouth just barely move upwards. It was a smile unforgotten.

I gathered my paperwork and smiled back.

"Alright, it's gonna be a long one. Here's the story of a juvenile criminal, or more like, eight criminals."

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