The welcome party

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I have just been introduce to Wanda, Tony and Bruce and Tony says " We should have a welcome party for Y/N joining the avengers." Wanda says with a chuckle " Any excuse for a party!" And the others all join in laughing. I accept and we all agree it is going to be at 7 pm sharp. For the next hour I was just introducing myself to the rest of the team and getting to know them but all in that time I couldn't stop thinking about Nat. Anyways it's 5:30 I should start getting ready for the Party. I put on a cute little black dress and black heels with a little bit of makeup on just to try and impress Nat. I am all done so I make my way downstairs to the party.
Natasha's POV
That whole afternoon I couldn't stop thinking about the whole situation that had happened with Y/N. God she is so gorgeous, I just really want to get to know her. At 5:45 I go upstairs to go get ready for the party. I put on a small baby blue dress and some white heels with some natural makeup. As I am all finished I go downstairs for the party.
No ones POV
The party is just getting started and everyone is starting to arrive. Nat is on the bar giving drinks while everyone else Is dancing or just talking to one another.
The night was going really well. Everyone was pretty drunk!I wanted another drink so I excused myself from the conversation and went to go see Nat at the bar. I asked "one pornstar martini please" she nodded and winked at me. I swear the whole room got hotter then. When she had finished with it, I said thank you and tried it and oh my god it was amazing. Is there anything this woman can't do! I hear Tony saying to gather everyone in a circle and we all do so including Nat.
Natasha POV
"Why are we all gathered in a circle?"I asked a bit confused. "Well, I was thinking we could play a game of truth or dare." Everyone got excited and agreed. "Whose going first?" I slurred. Y/N put her hand up and said " I will, this is going to be fun" So I asked truth or dare and she said truth. I asked "From just meeting everyone, do you have an eye on anyone in the room?" She nodded and glanced my way which made me chuckle. I could feel eyes on me and me and Y/N glanced at eachother but I didn't care.
We have been playing truth or dare for a few rounds, everyone was getting more and more drunk. It got round to Nat again so Thor asked Nat "Truth or Dare?" Nat picked dare so Thor said "kiss Y/N" we both made eye contact. Nat starts to come over to me and I am starting to get sweaty and then she grabs my face and kisses me. I know this is crazy but I swear there were fireworks. We were kissing for 15 seconds before Thor yelled "get a room" so I playfully said back "we will later." Nat and everyone else started to laugh. Me and Nat still didn't break eye contact till someone else asked truth or dare.
Natasha POV
Oh my god that kiss was the best one I have ever had. I swear there were fireworks between us. God she is amazing. I heard someone yell get a room and Y/N shouting back we will. My Cheeks started to go all red and I got embarrassed but I just started to giggle. We kept looking at each other the rest of the night and I couldn't stop thinking about her. I hope she wants me just as much as I want her. It was about midnight and everyone started to head to bed when it was just me a Y/N left. We were both pretty drunk and Y/N came over to me and kissed me again. We started to make out when I said "let's go upstairs."

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