Planning the Wedding

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*3 month time skip*
omg it's finally the day me and Nat are planning our weddings and going wedding dress shopping. We picked the date of the 21st of June because it's the month of summer and we both love summer. Also it is only 1 month away. I get up and get ready. I walk downstairs to see Nat on the table with the laptop set up. "Morning babe, what you looking at?" I ask "I am just looking at a beautiful venue and I wanted to show you." She swivels the laptop round to me and I see the most gorgeous place ever. It was in this almost magical looking garden. It had canopy's for you too sit under and for the ceremony and it was decorated with beautiful flowers and Garlands. "This is perfect!" I blurted out. "It has to be here." I continue. " right perfect they have a booking to go see it today after we get our wedding dresses." I nod as Nat books it. "Right now the guest list." Nat says. We both say everyone we want to come to our wedding and they people total up to 150. Which is perfect as the venue can accommodate 200. We plan that we will go cake tasting before our wedding dress fitting and we book our honeymoon. I am so excited as we are going to the Bahamas for 2 weeks. Me and Nat get ready to go to the cake tasting and after about 30 mins we are on our way. We intertwine our hands in the car and when we arrive and get out we do it again. We walk into the shop and I front of our eyes are the most delicious looking cakes ever. I say to Nat "can we please get chocolate cake it's my favourite." I do some puppy dog eyes. "Fine" she eventually gives in. I smile and we taste some of the best chocolate cakes and chocolate icing ever. We finally decide on this delicious cake covered in chocolate icing and chocolate decorations. It was amazing. Now that we had finally done that, next was the wedding dress fitting which I am most excited about. We are going with Carol, Wanda, hope and Casey as they are our bridesmaids. We meet them there and me and Nat get straight to it. We have decided that we won't see each others dresses until the wedding day as it is bad luck to. I come out in this dress to start off with and I just didn't like it and it didn't fit my body right. Everyone said no to that one. After a few more dresses I try this one on and as soon as I slipped it on I knew it was the one for me. It was a stunning fishtail dress and we added some diamond earrings to it. It was perfect. They said that Nat had already picked hers so we brought them separately and we were ready to go. We said our goodbyes to all the girls and we set off for our venue booking. It was about a 40 minute drive so me and Nat stopped for some lunch at Taco Bell. They ready do have the best tacos I have to say. After we had both stuffed our faces with Mexican food, we got back on the road. Within 15 minutes we arrive at the most beautiful destination ever. It was in this almost field but it was decorated with flowers everywhere and hedge arches. Me and Nat were both speechless. When we walked inside for our booking, we were greeted by and woman. "Hello, you must be Y/N and Natasha. I am so glad we might provide the venue for your special day. If you follow me I will show you to where you will have your ceremony and where you will eat afterwards." We follow the petite blonde do the gardens. She pointed to the front of the gardens and said this is where your ceremony will take place. Me and Nat were in awe with the place. She then showed us around to a glass dome with tables and chairs set up. The sun was just shining in on it and there was a bar in the corner. When we had finished looking at everything me and Nat decided already that this is the place we want to get married. We agree on a booking with the staff for the 21st of June for 150 people. We say our thanks and get on our way home. "This has been such a great day planning everything Y/N. I can't wait to tie the knot with you." Nat says and kissing each one of my knuckles. "It has been a good day hasn't it. I can't wait to get married either." I say smiling at her. After that we sat in a comfortable silence and drove home for the night.

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