Y/N backstory/family

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We are all sat around the table and Tony suddenly asks me " hey Y/N, you have never told us about your family or backstory from before you came here. I wanna hear it." "Ummm I don't really like talking about it but I am close enough to you all to trust you so here we go. I was born in Los Angeles And I live there until I was 10. When I was 10 a tragic event happened. A Hurricane hit our town. Me and my twin sister made it down onto the safe house but my parents didn't and they sadly died. Me and my sister found out a few days later when we came out of the safe house as it wasn't safe to do so before that. We were told by the local authorities and I just remember that moment so clearly in my brain and how I just broke down in tears, falling to the floor." I look up at everyone after saying that and they are all looking at me with tears in there eyes. Nat holds my hand and squeezes it a little to signal that it's okay and that I can continue. "After rather hurricane me and my sister were taken to an orphanage and about 2 months later this woman came in and adopted a few of the girls including me and my sister and took us to Russia. We were so confused about what was going on and why we were in Russia but we stuck together. We arrived at what looked like a haunted mansion. When we entered there were red symbols everywhere and we didn't know what they meant back then but now I do. We were trained in the red room. There were about 20 of us and we were trained to fight each other, Shoot guns, and become assassins. We were chained to the bed and we had to sneakily eat food. We were also made to have ballet lessons and repeat the routine over and over again so it made us 'unbreakable.' A few years later, After we made it through some mental test it was now the physical ones and one of those things was being sterilised, they said it made us better killers. After that we both graduated and left Russia. We were both 22 now so we went back to Los Angeles and the town we used to live in. They had rebuilt houses and apartments so me and my sister brought an apartment and a few months later, Fury contacted me about joining the avengers and here we are. I am happy to say my sister still lives in that apartment in Los Angeles." As I conclude my life I look around at everyone and they all come over to give me a hug. Nat then whispers in my ear "I know what it's like I was in the Red room as well." I gave her an almost shocked look that we both were there. "Well, that's not what I expected, I'm sorry for your loss Y/N and thank you for feeling comfortable to share that with us." I nod and lean on Nats shoulder. "Right I think I'm going to head to bed it's quite late and I'm very tired." I say. Nat says she will also come up and we say goodnight to everyone and head upstairs. While me and Nat are getting ready for bed I ask her "how were you in the red room as well?" " I was recruited by the committee of state security and I was young at the time and didn't really know what was happening. All of those things happened to me as well and I used to think I was a monster because I had been sterilised but now I know I am not the only one who went through that." We put our foreheads together. "After I graduated, I was employed by shield to go undercover as Natalie Rushman for Tony. After that, the avengers kind of assembled and they have been my family since." I softly kiss her letting her know I am here for her. "Nat we don't ever have to go back there we can try and put our past behind us and we can have a happy family in the future, okay?" "Okay." She replies while pulling me into a hug.

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