The big day

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This is the day I finally get to marry the girl of my dreams. I am currently in my hotel room with Wanda and my sister getting ready for the ceremony. My make up is done and Casey is just doing my hair now. The ceremony is starting at 13:00 and it is currently 11:30. My hair is going to be lightly curled almost like beach waves and I have quite natural makeup as I don't really like the stuff.
Natasha POV
OMG OMG OMG the day of marrying Y/N is here! I am in a room with Carol and hope as they are helping me get ready for the ceremony at 1pm. I have my hair done up in a plaited bun and some makeup. I can't wait to see Yelena and my mum and dad sat front row for the wedding. They have never met Y/N as they live in Russia but I know because I am in love  with her they will love her too. They ceremony venue is about half an hour away so we will probably leave at around 12:25. We have picked out they most perfect rings for eachother. They had our initials engraved on the band of the ring. She is the perfect girl for me and now I get to make her mine forever. With this girl I want to have kids and grow old together. I start to get the wedding day jitters, just wondering if this girl even loves me half as much as I do but luckily I have hope and Carol with my just to tell me I am getting the jitters and that Y/N loves me to the moon and back. It is now 12:25 so we head out to the limousine and we set off for the venue. I feel all the emotions from nervous to excited. Me, hope and Carol have a glass of Prosecco in the car to celebrate the start of my wedding day. When we arrive, hope and Carol help me out of the car with my dress on and start leading me down the isle to were I already see Y/N
As I am already staying at the hotel where are wedding is I am only going to leave the room at 12:45. I started to see Casey cry and she just said how happy she was that I found someone that loves me for who I am. We start making our way down to the place I'm going marry my favourite person in the whole world. It's about 12:55 and I am standing at the front of the isle facing the other way as I heard Nat coming. As I hear her coming closer I hear both of our families whispering and I turn around to see the most gorgeous girl. I do a slight gasp and I see how beautiful she is and I think she does as well as she got to the front she gave me a peck on the cheek and we stood face on to each-other holding hands. The officiater starts the wedding off by giving a little introduction to marriage and invites Nats sister Yelena up to say a few words. "Nat this is the first time I have met Y/N but I can tell by the way you look at eachother you are meant for eachother." She then broke down crying and sat down. Casey was then invited up to say something "I was lucky enough to spend a few days with this little family of theirs and they all have a separate love for eachother and I am so happy Y/N has found someone good." She then sat down and we exchanged our vows. Nat went first "Y/N from the first day I met you and I opened the door to let you in as the new recruit and we met eye contact I knew we were gonna be together for life. We instantly connected and the more I saw you the more I wanted you. You are the most perfect girl I could ever imagine and I am so glad to be stood here today marrying you." I clenched her hand to show her a sign of thanks. It was now my turn "Nat, we have been through quite a lot haven't we. From when I got kidnapped and you rescuing me I knew to have the courage to do that you cared for me a lot. When you proposed to me that was my favourite night of my whole life, you made it so special from where we went on our first date to proposing under the stars. I love you so much Natasha Romanoff and you will always be mine." I dinged off with a tear rolling down my cheek. Nat wiped it with her hand and said thank you. It was now the ring exchange. " do you Natalia Alianovna Romanoff take Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The officiater said. With a beaming smile Nat replied "I do." She then put the ring on my finger. He then moved onto me "Do you Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N take Natalia Alianovna Romanoff to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." As I started to have tears in my eyes. "I now pronounce you wife and wife." In hearing that I instantly kissed Nat and I heard everyone around us cheering and clapping.

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