The morning after

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Natasha POV
I was just starting to wake up when I saw a sleeping Y/N next to me. I was just watching her sleep and smiling to myself as I remembered the night before. I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard "you watching me sleep Romanoff?" As she giggled I went bright red and just stuttered. I then said "good morning beautiful, did you enjoy last night?" Y/N just sleepily muttered "yes, very much."I slowly got out of bed to take a shower and when I came back in Y/N was now up and ready. She had a bit of natural makeup on as well which I thought was really cute. "You ready to go downstairs for breakfast?" I asked. She just nodded and so we headed downstairs.
God my head hurts, must of drank a lot last night. Me and Nat headed into the kitchen as we heard a lot of voices in there so assumed breakfast was almost ready. "Good morning all" I announced as we walked in. They all said it back to us and then Clint asked " so Y/N what did you and Nat do last night as i heard you in her room?" "Well" I said " I think you can imagine what happened" while winking at Nat. They all just got grossed out until Tony steps up and says " ummm Nat you know the rule, no dating anyone on the team." Nat looked like she gritted her teeth and all the others said " Come on Tony they aren't even together yet they just slept together" "Well unless something changes my mind, I will stick by that rule so no dating" he started to raise his voice. I suggested "how about if me and Nat are sensible and we will still concentrate on missions can we be together?" Tony thought for a while "I will think about it." Me and Nat just turned to each other and smiled. Vision calls from the ovens "Breakfast is ready!" So we all go and eat an amazing breakfast.
Natasha POV
We had just finished breakfast when Tony called me, Bruce, Y/N and Wanda. "I have just had a mission come in from a Hydra base and I need you four to arrest strucker." Me and Y/N gave a nervous glance but we all agreed to do it and we would leave in an hour.
*1 hour time skip*
All of us had now packed and we were just getting on the Quinjet. We waved to our friends, I squeezed Y/N's hand as we took off and prepared for the mission ahead of us.

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