Telling everyone

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Me and Nat are on our way home from our 6 month's anniversary date and she proposed to me. I'm so happy and we are heading home to the compound to tell everyone. We have just pulled into the drive and I grab Nat's hand and we walk into the compound. "Hey guys we are home." I shout into the mansion. "We are in the living room." Tony shouts back. Me and Nat make our way into the living room and we greet everyone. "Right we have an announcement. Me and Y/N are getting married." We both grin as we hold up our hands with the rings on. Everyone is shocked but they quickly start to cheer and congratulate us. "I think I speak for everyone when I say congratulations, from the minute you two met we all knew you were meant to be. You make each other so happy and you and like the perfect match." Steve said with a few tears in his eyes. "Thank you everyone and me and Nat would like to ask a few people about some things. Wanda, Carol and hope would you like to be my bridesmaids along with my sister?" I ask " it would be such an honour thank you Y/N." They all reply. "Clint, Steve, Tony and Thor would you all like to be my best mans?" Nat asks "I think I speak for all of us when I say yes 100% we would all love too" they all nod in agreement. We both talk about the night and how the proposal happened. When we have finished, we all headed our separate ways to bed. I phone my sister to tell her the amazing news. "Hey sis, I just wanted to phone to say I am engaged and to ask you to be my maid of honour and my friends from the avengers will be bridesmaids." "Omg Y/N when did this happen, I am so happy for you and yes I would love too be your maid of honour. When I see you next you have to tell me everything and then I can finally meet this amazing Nat that you are always on about." "Well it happened tonight and I'm so happy you accepted your role. How about you come over in 2 days and I will sort out your flights and everything so I can see you again and you can meet everyone." "yes I would love to come over in a couple of days. I can finally see you after like 6 and half months and I can meet all your new friends." "Okay sis I will see you in a couple of days, can't wait love you lots Casey." "Bye Y/N love you lots too." And the call ended. Nat has now come out of the show and asked what we were talking about. "Well Casey us going to be my maid of honour and she is gonna come here in a couple of days to meet you and everyone else." " awww I'm so happy I can finally meet Casey." She gives me a kiss on my forehead and we cuddle in bed. " thank you so much for tonight babe. I am so happy to call you my fiancée now and I just want you to know I love you so much and I hope to make your future the best I can." " that's okay babe and I'm glad you really enjoyed your night and I'm very excited for our future." I snuggle into the crook of her neck and we both fall asleep.
*In the morning *
I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in with cuddling I shift around I also feel Nat stirring so I kissed her on the cheek and said "good morning babe" she mumbles good morning as well and I drag her out of bed to go downstairs to have breakfast with everyone. I make a coffee for both of us and I go and tell everyone the good news. "Hey guys I just wanted to say my sister Casey is coming tomorrow to meet everyone and to see me as I have not seen her for 6 and half months. So can we make dinner for all of us maybe we can make her favourite which is spaghetti Bolognese. She is also going to be my maid of honour." " I am very excited to meet your twin sister tomorrow and I'm sure we can make spaghetti bolognese for her." Tony says. I smile and take a sip of my coffee and intertwine mine and Nat's hand. I am so excited to finally see my sister after all this time and I just hope her and Nat get along otherwise I don't know what would happen but I know Casey will like Nat.

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