The finding out

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Natasha POV
It's been a few months since we rescued Y/N and Wanda. We are in a a really good place with each other and I love her so much but there is definitely something she is hiding from me. And coming to think of it she has not really gotten better. Oh no I hope this isn't what I think this is!
It's been a few months since me and Wanda were rescued. Me and Nat's relationship is doing amazing and I couldn't love her anymore than I do. "Y/N tea is ready" Nat shouts up the stairs. I groan a little and head downstairs for dinner. When I get down there I see a plate full of curry. I scoff it down in about 5 minutes and ask to be excused from the table to go to the bathroom. When I get there I stuff my fingers down my throat to throw up. I had been doing it for 5 minutes when I heard the door open and saw the horror on Nat's face. I immediately broke down into tears and ran into her arms " I am so sorry Nat." I say between sobs. "Shhhhh it's ok let's get you cleaned up and take you to Bruce's lab. Okay?" I nod, wash my mouth out and head to Bruce's lab. Knock Knock. "Come in" he shouts. We enter the room and he could tell I had been crying. "Hey what's up Y/N?" I look at Nat and she starts to speak of what she saw. "I saw her in the bathroom making herself throw up." I look down a bit ashamed. "How long have you been doing this for?" Bruce asked. "Ummm... since we got back from being rescued." I turn to Nat and see her speechless "that's almost 5 months ago, you haven't had a proper meal since then" I shake my head. "Why did you start doing this?" She asked "well when we were in the cells this agent called me a ugly, fat piece of shit over and over again and I guess after a while I stated to believe it so that's why I started." I start to cry again but Nat pulls me in for a hug. "I know you might not believe me at the minute, but you are none of those things you are perfect." I give her a quick kiss as Bruce interrupts " Y/N, we are going to have to weigh you and then for a couple of days you will need a feeding tube and then when you feel like you are ready you can go back onto solid foods but just start of gradually and build up the amount." I slowly begin to nod as he shows me over to the scales.I am a bit hesitant at first but I see Nat giving me a reassuring look and I step on. After a few seconds it shows I am 90 pounds. Bruce looks a bit worried about the weight but he just notes it down in my file. I then lay down on a hospital bed and be attaches a feeding tube to me and hooks up a monitor that checks my vitals. By now the rest of the team has come to see where we were and Nat explains everything to them. They all come over and check if I am okay but Wanda stops for a moment and says " Those agents were jerks anyway" I guess she is trying to lighten the mood. I give a bit of a fake smile as I just want to stop thinking about it. It's now just me and Nat in the room and I just pull her into a hug as I just want to be in her embrace and feel safe. "I don't know what you went through when you were captured but I just want you to know I am always here to talk." I nod and give her a kiss. Bruce comes back in and puts the first lot of food in the feeding tube. He also tells me to drink plenty of fluids. I knew all this time I had a problem but I just didn't want to admit it to myself. I'm happy I'm now getting the help I need to get back to normal and feel better. I feel very drained so after Bruce left again I asked Nat " would you mind cuddling up to me in this bed as I really want some rest and that's only happening if I'm with you." She agrees and gets into the other side of the bed and cuddles into me immediately. I just feel safe when I am with her and I whisper "I love you Nat." She replied " I love you too Y/N." And I fall asleep thinking about everything that has happened.

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