The Mission pt 1

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We have just taken off for our mission against hydra and strucker, Bruce is flying and to be fair I am very nervous. I know Tony sent me on this mission to test me and Nat but I am quite scared. Don't worry Y/N I keep saying to myself you will be fine. About a half and hour into the flight I feel a weight on my shoulders and realise Nats head is on my shoulder. God she is beautiful even when she sleeps. While Nat is sleeping I thought I should get a bit of rest as I have no idea what is ahead of me and with that I feel myself drifting off to sleep too.
*2 hours Later*
I am suddenly awoken when I feel Wanda slightly shaking mine and Nats shoulders saying we are just about to land.
Natasha POV
I am slowly waking up to Wanda shaking mine and Y/N shoulders saying we are about to land. I squeeze Y/N's hand and just like that we have landed at our accommodation for the mission. When we stepped out of the Quinjet we were hit but a sudden wave of heat. Where we were staying was very off the grid and like a safe house. Apparently the secret hydra base is only 15 minutes away so we will go tomorrow but tonight we rest for the mission ahead of us. We go into the house and get our rooms we have to share rooms as there are only 2 so I am with Y/N and Bruce and Wanda are together. We go upstairs and unpack all of our stuff and get ready for dinner. We have just ordered some pizzas and they should be arriving (DING DONG) now. I go grab them and call everyone else down. We have all finished the pizza while chatting and watching tv so we all say our good nights and go our separate ways. Me and Y/N are getting ready for bed and when we are all done and snuggled up in bed with each other Y/N says "we should go on a date after this mission." I replied "Yes, yes we should." And with that we are both drifting off to sleep.
I wake up to an alarm going off and I feel the weight next to me shifting meaning Nat has woken up as well. I go to snooze the alarm but Nat stops me and barley says "Come on that means we have to get up and start the mission" "fineeee" I say. Me and Nat get showered and changed and go downstairs and start to make breakfast for all of us. I have made pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, beans, hash brown all the good stuff. I call Wanda and Bruce down to eat and there eyes lit up when they saw the food. We tuck in immediately. "This is amazing" both Wanda and Bruce say between mouthfuls. "thank you" I reply. As soon as we Finish we leave in the Quinjet to the secret Hydra base.

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