The rescue mission pt 3

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*1 week time jump*
Natasha POV
It has finally been a week and I have not stopped thinking about Y/N and Wanda but especially Y/N. I asked Steve and T'challa and the engines are supposed to be here any minute and they should only take 15 minutes to fit. Then we can go beat Strucker's ass, arrest him and save Y/N and Wanda. DING DONG. Yesssss they are here. Steve answers the door with all of us close behind. T'challa greets us saying "Hello everyone, I bought the engines and I will fit the, straight away I am very sorry it took a week." Steve replies " it's fine but thank you for all your help and flying out here to give it to us, I will help you to fit it." They both go off and unload the engines to fit them in the quinjet. I go get all my stuff ready to leave and tell everyone else to as well as we are leaving in 5 minutes. A few minutes later Steve yells to us "The quinjet is ready let's go." We all thank T'challa for his kind work and then everyone loads onto the jet. "Everyone ready?" Clint asked. We all shouted back yes. We are all chatting about the mission and the plan to make sure everything goes right
* 1 hour 30 minutes later*
We were all playing 21 dares until Clint shouted "we are here" and I start getting flashbacks of the previous mission and how it failed but I shake those thoughts from my head as I know this one is going to be successful. We all our finally checks on the plan and check the live security footage of where Strucker is and he is in his office so me, Tony, Thor, Carol and Vision can go and arrest him and rescue Y/N and Wanda. We get off the jet and as soon as we step out we are fired and so hulk, Steve and Clint go and attack them while the rest of us slip inside. We all take down a few guards until we are met with his office door. Tony kick it down and we all run in there. Strucker has a smug look on his face but it is wiped quickly because Tony quickly goes around the other side and shoves his head down on the table and arrests him. "Strucker has been arrested, we will now go get the girls" I say with a bit of wobble in my voice because I don't know what state they will be in.
me and Wanda have just woken up and we are both covered in blood and are so weak. We both faintly hear fighting and suddenly I hear Nat and Tony's voice and me and Wanda both look at each other as they have come to rescue us.
Natasha POV
We are all running down the corridors until we are outside a door with guards outside. I slam one of them into a wall while vision blasts the other one. We enter the door and see Y/N and Wanda Barley awake on the floor and oh my god they are both covered in blood. I immediately start to cry at the sight of it. Tony blasts the doors off the cells and I immediately go to hug Y/N and she manages to say " Nat I am so glad you are here I have missed you so much and it's been horrible Nat it has" tears are now streaming down her face. Vision is helping Wanda. I say over coms " hey guys, we have got them but they need immediate medical attention so get Bruce here as soon as you can. I didn't let go of Y/N until Bruce came with 2 stretchers for them and I helped Y/N on one and vision helped with Wanda. Me and Carol and Tony and Vision carried them out to the Quinjet to take them back to the compound to Bruce's lab to get checked. "You are safe now, I just really hope you are ok" I say a bit muffled as I am crying. " I hear Y/N mumble "I love you Nat and thank you for saving us. I reply " I love you too Y/N, very much." And after we both said that the quinjet has taken off for the compound.

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