The rescue mission pt 1

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Natasha POV
Me and Bruce have just arrived back at the compound. It has been a few hours since the mission failed but we are here to get everyone and take them back to the Hydra base to rescue Y/N and Wanda. I really hope they are both okay especially Y/N I can't loose her. We immediately run out of the Quinjet and bolt into the compound. Everyone heard the doors open and ran downstairs to see who it was. Tony shouted "what the hell was that." But stops when he only sees Me and Bruce. "Where are Y/N and Wanda" Tony asked. Hesitantly I replied "well, we had a plan me and Bruce would fight the workers outside while Y/N and Wanda snuck in and arrested Strucker. We had hacked into a live security camera and we saw Y/N and Wanda had been captured by Strucker and they were Lying unconscious in a cell." I felt my eyes start to well up with tears as I just remembered how they both looked so weak in that cell. " hey, it's ok Nat we will get them back it's not your fault" Steve said In a calming tone. "So we need everyone to come with us to go rescue them so everyone pack up we will leave In an hour" I said a little shaky from the crying. Everyone nodded and packed for the mission.
*1 hour later*
We are now all aboard the Quinjet and we are going to go to the safe house for the night, figure out a plan and go in the morning even though my heart wants to go straight away I know that's not logical as we could all get captured.
* 2 hours later*
Everyone is just chatting to pass the time but I'm thinking about Y/N and what horrible things Strucker might have done to her but I am shaken from my thoughts when Clint shouts "We are here!" We all pile out of the jet and make our way to the safe house. As soon as I walk in I see all of the dishes, Y/N and Wanda's things scattered all around the house in various places. It's pretty late so we all go freshen up and come back down to figure out a plan. When I walk into what was mine and Y/N's room I instantly am hit with a smell that smells just like her. I feel a tear roll down my cheek as all these memories come flooding back. I quickly wiped the tear away and reminded myself we are getting her and Wanda back tomorrow. I jumped in the shower for a quick wash and when I came out I decided I wanted to put Y/N's clothes on as they brought me a lot of comfort.
* Nat's clothes*

When I had finished get changed I headed downstairs

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When I had finished get changed I headed downstairs. A few people were arriving just after me and when we were all there we put our heads together to come up with a plan. Steve said " right, when we arrive me, Clint and Bruce as hulk take down workers outside while Nat, Tony, Thor, Carol and Vision go and rescue Wanda and Y/N and arrest Strucker. Sound good?" He asked. Everyone in unison replied "Yes." We decided to all head off to bed to get a goodnight sleep for the mission tomorrow. When I got into the room, I got into bed and took a deep breath through my nose to smell Y/N's pillow. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about the mission.

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